Is your life better off as a Witness or exjw now than before?
Ya know, some days it's a toss up.
The time spent under the influence of the Blue Pill made life easier in some ways. Just plod along and do all the BS and wait for Panda Paradise. No getting old. No dying. No planning or worrying about the future. But that never happened and the reality of waking up to it is a real bitch. Getting old(er). Worried about retirement. Realizing I'm gonna die. You get the pic.
On the other hand, being released from the "bondage" and "guilt" is a relief. As a JW, one can never be good enough, never do enough. It's always "missed it by THAT MUCH"! Work a little harder. Do a little more. Don't have too much fun. Life is a lot better without worrying about missing a meeting or taking a vacation or slamming down a few tequila shots.
Is your life better off in the last few years economically?
The economy had more to do with our recent setback than any influence of the WTS. Although parting ways with a couple important JW clients/partners was crucial and costly. They were THIEFS. They cost us a lot of money. But it would have only been worse if things had continued on as it was. So things are in the condition that they can presently can be rebuilt rather than starting over completely with nothing. Of course they are both still high profile in the JW clergy class and continue unscathed. BASTARDS!