Guys, let's keep in mind that ABSTRACT THINKING abilities in children generally become fully developed during the " Formal operational stage " which is 11 - 16 years of age, but they begin developing in children as early as 5 or 6 years old!!!!
Abstract thinking is no big thing, but because most JWs haven't studied either child development or understand what "Abstract Thought" is, it is easy for the WT to make it sound bad and evil.
This is just another WT attempt at controlling the sheeple and keeping them dumb.
But I am noticing a pattern here. Most 10th Graders in the US are 15 or 16 years old at the end of the school year. This is also the upper range of the writing level of a typical WT Study Article. Coincidence? I don't think so.
The WT has gone on record again and again: They don't want JWs to go beyond about a High School education. They'd apparently prefer if that ended around 10th grade or even lower, but that would require taking on long established laws concerning mandatory, compulsory education.
It's just too dangerous for the WT if and when young ones develop more sophisticated Critical Thinking Skills.
But that is about to change in the US:
I am a high school teacher in the United States (14 - 18 year olds). This summer I attended a conference dealing with comprehensive changes coming in national teaching standards and methods. These changes, which are due to be implemented the 2013-2014 school year, are in response to this very problem of a lack of Critical Thinking Skills which has been revealed by years of standardized testing results. Generally speaking, our students are taught how to take and pass tests but not how to think. 1
One particularly telling set of data we looked at proved something that I have long suspected: the average high school graduate is not prepared to read, analyze and comprehend the types of documents that they will be required to read in most entry level jobs and in their personal lives as adults. In short, high school graduates are not prepared to successfully live in the adult world. (So what does that mean for the typical 11 - 16 year olds?)
The changes that are coming will require teachers to develop Critical Thinking and Literacy skill across all curriculum content. When I say, "literacy" I don't simply mean the ability to read. I mean we need to learn how to teach students to be able to read, analyze and comprehend a variety of written texts as well as the spoken word no matter what the subject. Additionally they need to be able to learn to analyze arguments that are presented, determine both strengths and weaknesses in the argument, assess the credibility of the source or sources used, interpret data and formulate counter-arguments and/or appropriate questions for further consideration. They should be able to distinguish between facts and speculation and be able to discern bias. Further, they need to be able clearly and concisely articulate what they have learned in both written and verbal forms using properly formatted and logically coherent means.
My colleagues and I were both excited by these changes (we've been "teaching to the test" for too long out of necessity) and more than a little anxious because we realize that, in spite of the fact that these are necessary and long overdue changes, this is one tall order!
It will be interesting to see how these changes, once implemented, will affect the JW youth. Perhaps this is why the WT seems to be subtly but noticeably pressuring young JWs to get baptized at an earlier age.
1 - Teaching to the Test WT Style - In JW-land this is called a WT Study: Read a paragraph and it's corresponding question. Find the answer to the question in the paragraph. You may paraphrase your answer or read it verbatim, but absolutely do not analyze it, question it or point out any contradictions, logical errors or inconsistenties with other and/or prevoius WT doctrines, teachings, rules, regulations, policies or practices.