So now Jehovah can undo the damage of higher education?
I think the story is made up. A well-educated person can certainly communicate on different levels and consider their audience. In fact, that's kind of English 101 stuff, considering your audience. So the vocabulary they will use while writing for their peers will differ from what they will use with the public at large, or what they will use while teaching a class. And if they can't make such adjustments, then one could make a good argument over just how educated they really are.
That 'abstract' comment is a give away IMO. It sounds less like someone describing themselves, and a great deal more like someone describing someone else because they don't understand them---it's just abstract intellectual speech--- and because they aren't educated enough to follow, I'm sure it sounds that way.
Anyway, they've also done well in painting a stereotype---the scholar who is so out of touch, they forget their shoes and can't communicate. It's stupid. But then, they are stupid people. Intentionally ignorant. They know that college teaches critical thinking, and they call it independent thinking. They know they are not strong enough to overcome that-----unless they had a way to hold your family as ransom. Hmmmm m
When I recorded that conversation with JW's sitting at a table at my college, the man actually told me that not believing was not a good enough reason not to go back to the hall. It was astounding.