00DAD said:
Teaching to the Test WT Style - In JW-land this is called a WT Study: Read a paragraph and it's corresponding question. Find the answer to the question in the paragraph. You may paraphrase your answer or read it verbatim, but absolutely do not analyze it, question it or point out any contradictions, logical errors or inconsistenties with other and/or prevoius WT doctrines, teachings, rules, regulations, policies or practices.
Yup, it's amazing how many people (including JWs) confuse "remembering" with "thinking", i.e. someone offers a challenge to what they say, and instead of actually thinking about the question, they search their data bank for an appropriate pre-canned memorized response.
Unfortunately, the educational system in the U.S. largely doesn't encourage synthesis of thoughts or deeper understanding of the mechanisms at play, but only what I refer to as, "monkey-learning": memorizing facts and figures (which admittedly IS a part of any discipline, so as to not have to look up basic critical facts everytime you need to use them, eg A = 440 in music). That was my greatest disappointment with graduate education: to discover it's approach was simply a continuation of shallow learning used for undergrad, but was simply much more information persented at a much faster pace. Testing wasn't done to see if broad concepts were understood, but was simply more regurgitation of memorized facts.
It's a tough issue, as testing methodology lends itself to focusing on the minor elements; it's harder to write broader questions without introducing other problems (like when tests are compromised, whether by students getting old copies of tests from prior years, etc).
What idiocy. I maintain that the bat-crap crazy nutty things that come from the Watchtower will eventually be their undoing. They are so disconnected from reality, that more people will reconize this as the decades progress.
You are more optimistic about your fellow man than I.
JWs have survived over 100 years in spite of available evidence, and while we live in an information age, we've ALWAYS lived with information freely-available at libraries, etc, and the WT has only grown. It's not all about facts, but the emotional and social needs that religions provide. People willingly turn off their rationality to fit into social groups: that should be obvious to anyone familiar with WT.
Unfortunately, most people use the internet to look at YT fart/ASL masturbation videos, looking to quickly strip any content out of the message so it doesn't interfere with it's entertainment value.