steve2 - that's a fair observation. I wish I could be more passive towards people like KS who have a clear agenda against me. Believe me, I try. I can agree to disagree with most folks on most subjects. I often fail miserably in this regard with slimboyfat, but I'm working on that! After all, you say what you say, and it goes on the record forever (or as long as this site exists) even if someone later contradicts it. However, it's always difficult to leave matters unaddressed when things get personal, and you are accused of dishonesty or trying to mislead people.
I asked those questions of KS earlier (which thus far remain unanswered) not to instigate some sort of witch-hunt against him, but genuinely to find out what makes the guy tick. I just can't figure him out or understand why a retired doctor would suddenly write so prolifically and with such authority about a religion he was never fully involved in and severed ties with decades ago when still a child. If you read the masturbation thread, even the most impartial observers can see that he turned on me with real venom without any provocation other than that I disagreed with him on something. I understand we may have locked horns previously when discussing Anonymous, but this doesn't explain his apparent disdain for me and the work I am trying to do. It just doesn't add up.
It's a shame this thread has been overcooked, mostly with rehashing arguments over semantics. I honestly didn't expect this outcome - I don't think anyone did. Like I said, at least it bumped the thread a few times, so maybe a few lurkers were introduced to who otherwise wouldn't have been. I can at least be thankful for that.
[edit post: anything off topic I've said to King Solomon is what I feel needs to be said. I actually think it's a kindness to do it here rather than start a new thread on the subject and cause any undue awkwardness or unwarranted exposure - and I'm in no mood to get into a PM exchange with him.]