What's The Worst Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emery

    I have to agree with XBEHERE, the guilt levied against the congregation was unbearable. Every meeting is a lecture on what else to feel terrible about. I especially felt depressed when I would miss service for a few weeks, "if you don't go out in service you can become blood guilty for some who die at Armageddon."

    My 2 cents regarding what Farkel said, the dating options really are scarce and the attractive ones are normally very dysfunctional or have very unrealistic expectations.

  • minimus

    If you were a Bethelite, you were primo.

  • minimus

    If you were a Bethelite, you were primo.

  • BluesBrother

    When you are in it is , having to go out in The Ministry !

    Once you are out you can see that it was having your thinking stifled and being force fed with only one point of view....

  • cobaltcupcake

    Being stuck in a miserable marriage and the only way out is if one of you dies or commits adultery.



    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    While BEING a witness, I'd say growing up resenting your family's faith, even if you're a believer. Always feeling different than your school friends, who can't get too close because there's that friendship line they can't cross.

    Then after growing up, getting married and THEN waking up, the worst part is not knowing HOW or even IF you'll be able to wake up any family or friends. That's even worse than realizing you've been in a CULT your whole life.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    So many things it's hard to put the Worst!

    I'd say living life like I was going to live forever. It creats an unmotivated lazy thought about life. You can always enjoy in the new system, but not now....

  • perfect1

    looking at other people and believing they deserve to be murdered by God for not being JW.

  • LongHairGal


    I have to agree with pretty much what Loading listed.

    I would add a few things though:

    Besides the appalling attitude towards women (which I will not tolerate), the religion misrepresented what they are and what they really believe in.

    So, as far as I am concerned, my baptism was under false pretenses and I never would have agreed to it if I knew what the real story was. I consider it similar to what a man (in the old days anyway) would feel if he married some woman thinking she was chaste or "virginal", only to find out that not only was she neither but she was also a man. I know it sounds silly but this is how I see the religion: something that misrepresented what it really was. It was not my intention to join a religion that reinvents itself like some monstrous ameoba.

    So, if what Wizard above has said: that our dedication to Jehovah lasts forever, then how could it when we weren't really told the true story?

  • LisaRose

    There are so many things, but for me I have to say the meetings. As a working mom trying to feed the kids, clean them up and drag them to the hall on a weeknight was difficult at best. And to sit there and be bored out of my mind, pure torture. I found out later I have ADD, which explains a lot, no wonder my mind wandered. After you have been in a while, you have heard it all before. I look back and don't know how I did it.

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