What's The Worst Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • linuxbob

    Bringing my 3 sons up in the borg thinking it was the right thing to do.

    I now resent myself for doing such.

  • mamochan13

    The way they put down anything creative and discourage pursuit of music, art, dance, etc.

  • trebor

    In harmony/conjunction with 00DAD...

    Swallowing the 'Blue' pill, conscientiously or not is [one of] the worst.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    When the question would come up, 'How is so and so doing?' it has nothing to do with whether so and so was happy or not, whether they have a good family life, social life, whether they are successful in thier careers, whether they feel loved and accepted by friends and family, whether they have found meaning in thier life, and whether they're a good person or not. Instead, the question, 'How is so and so doing?' always seemed to mean, 'Are they going to all thier meetings? Are they getting the right amount of time in service or not? Are they reaching out for privelages?' For as long as I can remember, even when I was a full believer, I hated how everything about how a person was doing in life was dependent on 'spiritual' things. Not dependent on the things that really matter.

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    Can cost you your life for nothing, to Moloch


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I was born in in the 50's. It was terrible always going to the meetings. We even had meetings on Friday night.

    I had to miss all the good tv shows. I missed a lot of home work, school work.

    I had to sit in the principals office when there were holiday celebrations.

    I couldnt exchange valentines.

    It was very weird and uncomfortable.

  • sickandtired

    I hate the putting off of enjoying things now because, "Hey, you'll have all the time in the world in paradise!" I have not one hobby and neither does my husband. You're not encouraged to pursue any talents you might have because it's all vanity and it might 'draw you away from Jehovah'. I would even feel guilt for reading a novel because it wasn't the Bible or one of the Society's publications.

    Also, as a Witness, you never really feel that close to your family who are not Witnesses. My mom distanced herself from her unbelieving family after she came in the "truth." I remember as a kid having a family reunion with my mom's side of the family. I loved every minute of it and sobbed when they boarded the plane to go home. I didn't understand at the time my reaction to that. I wasn't an emotional kid. I've been thinking about it lately and realized that I'd never had the opportunity to get to know them before and I hated seeing it come to an end. Also, part of me feared that I'd never see them again after that because they'd be destroyed in Armageddon. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

  • krejames

    Hehe funny thread....apart from praying before mealtimes, and I mean PRAYING! Why would brothers feel the need to give five minute sermons before a meal, while it gets cold? I used to say to people (and still do) "where in Bible does it say Jesus "prayed" before eating?" "Gave thanks": yes "blessed" the food: yes...but Prayed?? I used to give the shortest prayers ever when asked...so obviously I was very spiritually weak.

    So where was I? I got side tracked on to my hobby horse... the worst thing, as has already been said, I have to agree was the constant guilt that influenced everything about life.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    The intense lack of love. If you make a mistake and it is known to others, they will write you off as unspiritual. The judgementalism of Jehovah's Witnesses is rarely seen anywhere else.

    I actually like Elephant and Recovery posting on this site. If I forget about the haughtiness and holier-than-thou attitudes that I existed in the congregation, all I have to do is read one of thier posts to remind myself.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    If you were a Bethelite, you were primo.

    Ehhhh...it wasn't all that better. Giving tours at bethel you would get the googley eyes from some of the girls that were touring. But it was hard to close with a girl visiting Brooklyn from Texas knowing you wouldn't see here after the day was over. Plus, the competition at bethel is FIERCE! The girls are looking for the best of the best. It's hard to look good when you are dressed in khakis and a tucked in collard shirt WITH NO LOGOS ALLOWED!

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