So the warmongering Khazarian Satanists can have a nuclear holocaust and their Demiurge YHWH gets the credit.
How fitting!
by cedars 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So the warmongering Khazarian Satanists can have a nuclear holocaust and their Demiurge YHWH gets the credit.
How fitting!
My wife are going to therapy these days, after learning TTATT (directly caused by Gerrit's crazy talk in Norway 2012).
Does anyone have a recording or transcript (or translation into english if in a foreign langauge) of that talk? I see someone said he talked about higher education = shooting one in the foot or being likened to OCD? But this seems to be in the context of talking about a 2007 talk. Any confirmation/sources to back up these statements would be of great interest to me.
It appears Gerrit Losch gave the same (or similar) talk in various countries around the world, which is why this talk has become so notorious in different countries.
I can give you a link to a website with the talk recordings, but I would rather you emailed me at [email protected] because I would prefer not to publicize it.
edit: removed due to privacy
lol Christ Alone - that's the website I was trying to keep secret incase the Watchtower gets wind of it and takes it down!
Any chance you might "edit" your post, say, in the next 15 minutes?!!
Sorry, Cedars!!! It's down. I apologize!
lol Christ Alone - no need to apologize. I feel awful for encouraging you to alter your post. It's just that the Watchtower lawyers will think nothing of issuing a takedown notice to a simple blog for discussing the day's text - let alone a website full of juicy recordings that I'm using to mock and belittle the Governing Body!
I'm sorry for being a party-pooper! It's a shame this litigous Society has made us all paranoid, but better safe than sorry.
Thanks so much.
Don’t mean to steal your thunder, cedars, but I have the Lösch remarks on higher education recording. He is speaking in Italian but somebody thoughtfully provided a subtitled translation. You can access it here:
Thanks Quendi, but I've posted this video on here already!
I still plan to release my own video, because I have a recording of him making the "Higher Education / OCD" remarks in English, which is always better than subtitles.
Perhaps Lösch imagines God with one of these?