Used a bit of my poetic skills and drew on years of memories of listening to this crap.
Billions and Billions of corpses,
Stacked tall from earth to sky.
Each one an evil do-er,
Each one deserved to die.
Billions there are on billions,
Littered from land to sea
Strew o'er all the nations,
God's final victory.
Billions and billions of dead ones,
Glowing flesh plain to see.
Nuked with a ball of fire,
By God ever lovingly.
Billions there are on billions,
And gladly we let them know
The fate that would soon befell them
If our way they did not go.
Billions and billions of corpses,
Struck down both far and near.
God's cloud of radiation
Cleared them all outta here.
And as they keep on rotting --
Mountains of putrid men,
Patient, we wait on God's word
On how to dispose of them.
I love this!