Cedars...I took you up on the song challenge....

by diana netherton 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamochan13

    I'll contribute a voice - the reason I suggested Audacity is that it's open source and anyone can download it and use it without needing professional sound equipment. There might be better possibilities. I've kind of been out of the singing/recording field for a while, but I did a fun rap parody for my day job last year using Audacity. I couldn't believe how well it turned out just using a generic back track and dubbed vocals with my PC microphone.

  • cedars

    momochan13 - yes Audacity is what I use too. So long as the singing is recorded to an agreed tempo (i.e. the tempo on a Society recording), I can easily put everything together.

    So, can we agree on the base track?


  • ballistic

    I like the song, " Do more drugs as the Nazarites Did!" Is that songs still around?, I heard the song book changed?

  • mamochan13

    the only base track I can find is the "official" piano track. I don't see it in the other instrumentals. But it should work for laying down vocals, true?

  • cedars

    momochan13 - agreed, that can be our agreed tempo.

    Let the recordings commence!!


  • mamochan13

    I've emailed you a vocal track, Cedars.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Yeah...can't wait!

  • cedars

    Ok, we finally have a base track! Here is the link...


    I've created this track using the orchestral "kingdom melodies" version. You'll notice there is a slow part at the beginning which is really too slow to sing to, so I've used this as a backdrop for some introductory monologue from Gerrit about Armageddon and the deaths of billions (which will hopefully explain the song). Anthony Morris III also makes a brief cameo appearance!

    The part where the vocals begin should be obvious. I had to "loop" part of the track to squeeze another verse in so that there are enough singing verses (in the marching tempo) for the lyrics.

    I'm hoping we can agree on these lyrics below as being the final version. They're based on Diana's excellent lyrics, but with the suggestions of others incorporated (including some of my own changes). Hopefully there will be no objections!!

    Billions and Billions of bodies,

    Stacked tall from earth to sky.

    Each one an evil do-er,

    Each one deserved to die.

    Billions there are on billions,

    Littered from land to sea

    Strewn o'er every continent,

    From God's final victory.

    Billions and billions of dead ones,

    Glowing flesh plain to see.

    Nuked with a ball of fire,

    By God so lovingly.

    Billions there are on billions,

    Gladly we let them know

    The fate that would soon befall them all

    If our way they did not go.

    Billions and billions of corpses,

    Struck down both far and near.

    God's cloud of radiation

    Cleared them all outta here.

    And as they keep on rotting --

    Mountains of putrid men,

    Patiently waiting for God’s new scrolls,

    For how to dispose of them.

    What I suggest is this - if you want to tweak the lyrics at all when singing them, feel free to do so - but I will use whatever sounds best in the final mix.

    It would be great if we can get a number of singers (more than three, if possible) so that I can mix it all into a true "Bandaid" style piece of music with loads of people getting involved.

    When you're recording, try to do so in such a way as there is as little background noise as possible. The only thing I should be able to hear is your voice. A lot will depend on the quality of the microphone and I'm not expecting it to be perfect, but please do your best to keep your recording as clean and uninterrupted as possible. This also means not having any of the backing track audible in your recording - just your voice.

    Obviously you also need to sing to the exact tempo of the music. The first two verses are fairly straightforward, but you will need to time it well when you launch into the third verse as there is a crazy orchestral bit before the finale. Once you listen to the track, you should hopefully know what I mean.

    After the recording is finished, please email your mp3 file to me at [email protected]. I would rather get this done over the weekend if possible, so if you could to it today (Saturday) or Sunday latest and get your recordings to me over that time period, that would be perfect.

    Any questions, just email me!


  • cedars

    I've thought of some funny lyrics to go with the "bridge" / elaborate orchestral part just before the final verse.

    If anyone's feeling brave enough, and can figure out how the lyrics fit with the melody, by all means give it a go!

    Billions of dead

    Billions of dead

    Billions of dead

    Billions of dead

    Billions of dead ones stacked so high

    From earth to sky

    Let them fry!


  • AnnOMaly

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