by DATA-DOG 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Lawyer types, smart people..HEAR MY PLEA!!

    I may have to defend myself on this subject soon. I am doing research but I want to get other views. So......

    What is slander exactly? Is it slanderous to bring attention to something that is factual? Doesn't slander or it's written form " libel " need to be false and contain personal attacks to truly be slanderous? I was told that slander can be true, so therefore I could be guilty of slander. I know having facts on yourside cannot make someone see the truth of a matter if they do not want to, or stop someone from playing the slander card because they can. I will continue to research on my own, but I would appreciate any help offered in the next 24 hrs.

  • dreamgolfer

    the WORD of all WORDS - the Internet sez.....


    Dreamgolfer, thanks. I have read that exact defenition. So it seems my understanding is correct. I guess I am just worried about my " star chamber " meeting. If you control the terminology you control the argument, so I suppose the powers that be can make any charge the want. All I can do is be honest, and see what happens.

  • undercover

    You expect logic, reason and facts to support your position at a Judicial Committee meeting? Bwahahahahaha...

    Seriously, good luck. But don't expect to "win" anything. The deck is stacked against you. If you disagree, even respectfully, you lose. If you present evidence and fact that is contrary to their belief, you lose. Doesn't matter who is right, who is wrong. They "know" they have Jehovah's spirit so "they" can't be wrong.

    If your pulling a RayPublisher, that's one thing. If you're expecting to actually win the "case", or even prove a point, forget it.

  • tornapart
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The old saying is the best defense against being charges of defamation is the truth, but notice it's a defense: the truth still needs to be proven in court if someone wishes to sue you in a case they'll likely only lose. You'd still need to prepare a defense, go to court, waste time/energy/$. Most people wouldn't be so petty as to sue over a matter they'd only lose, but some people with deep pockets would, just to try and get someone to feel some of the pain.

    Depending on who the other person is, they may be considered a 'public figure' and hence have less expectations of privacy, and hence, less grounds to win a defamation case (in law, the idea is a person willingly entered into the public arena, and voluntarily sacrifices some of their privacy rights to do so). Eg Mitt Romney, or ANY politician is a public figure, and the burden of proof rises for them, where the accused has to show malice and actual disregard for the facts to cause them harm.

    Another consideration is damages: the defamatory words have to actually harm the person financially (eg their business) to make it worth suing someone. If it's just insulting their ego, no judge would award an amount to make it worthwhile (although, see above).

    Upshot is, freedom of speech is very broad in the US, and hence it's difficult to prove a defamation case, ESPECIALLY if truth is proven as a defense! If you have a strong case and feel it can be proven, I'd tell them to go pound sand (or I might Apologize, if I wanted to reduce the odds of being dragged into court to prove the obvious).

  • BroMac

    in the congregation it is usually said that Gossip even if true can be harmful, i would say if it IS true then it cannot be slander. ??

    hmm I've just read the insight book under slander and it is far from clear what it actually is... but it does say that nothing can be slander if reporting a matter to the Elders. no surprises there.

    *** it-1 p. 990 Gossip, Slander ***

    On the other hand, it is not gossip or slander and is not wrong to report conditions affecting a congregation to those having authority and responsibility to oversee and correct matters. This fact is demonstrated in the Scriptural record about the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth. There, dissensions and the paying of undue honor to men were creating sectarian attitudes, destroying the congregation’s unity. Some members of the house of a certain Chloe who were aware of these things and were concerned about the congregation’s spiritual welfare disclosed the fact to the absent apostle Paul, who acted quickly, writing corrective counsel to the congregation from Ephesus.—1Co 1:11.

  • elderelite

    Dat, just curious, why are going? Do u really want to walk away and have won or do just want to show up amd defend yourself! Either is cool and your choice of course, but i may have some insight if i knew your goal


    Thanks everyone.

    E.E, this is not judicial....yet. They want to get a pulse on my feelings about the " Slave " and the " Organization ". I have already told them that I respect anyone trying to do the right thing, but no man, or group of men is infallible, including the FDS. I also presented WT articles to that effect. I don't really know what else I can add to the discussion, perhaps I will just repeat myself. My goal is to get some breathing room for now. I am not ready to pull a " Raypublisher " at this time. I don't think my immediate family is ready for that. I want to help them reason about TTATT if I can. If I go in guns a blazin' then I close that door. It may be un-realistic but I want to shown them that I fear no man, and will not be loyal to men over God's word, and at the same time not escalate this to a judicial process. I want to be honest and draw a line in the sand, but not attack anyone, or give that impression. That may be too tall of an order to fill.

  • elderelite

    Ahhh ok! Now i see.... Then my advise to you is to delay, stall and in gerneral do anything you can to not meet. The meetig will be a loyalty check. They will attempt to make you say, one way or another, how you feel. To either incriminate yourself or confirm you are still a sheep.

    Best advise i have is to play the 'hey i'd love to talk but wife kids job etc etc etc... We'll do lunch soon' Most elders dont care enough to chase you down long term.

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