Yes I can...and christ does not exist....and I did give you an idea of what would make me interested above... EVIDENCE...not just 'this is what a voice in my head said'. At the end of the day....that means NOTHING. And is a witness to NOTHING
You can tell yourself that... IF you are so sure Christ does not exist, then may I ask how in the world can you expect to recognize his voice, much less have any faith in that He can answer... yes, with lots of addendums and IF's attached to it, then MAYBE you would be impressed (it is not Christ's job to impress you)... if you are so certain that Christ does not exist, then I guess you would reject the witness... but that does not mean that no one is witnessing to Christ.
But God doesn't like to play the EVIDENCE card does he?
Well, Christ is pretty good evidence. IF some would deign to look to Christ, rather than to the surrounding noise, then one might be able to see more clearly.
THAT would be too simple.
Looking at Christ is pretty simple.
He prefers whispering to people and getting them to come on interenet forums to tell other people to listen out for whispers.
Actually, He sent His Son. It is His Son who speaks, in spirit, as He said... my sheep will hear my voice; it is the spirit who teaches and who will lead you into all truth.
Only around 10% of the population actually hear voices in their heads, and most of them aren't even claiming to hear Jesus.
And you know this how?
Waffle! ears hear pretty well...and my eyes...well I need glasses for reading. But I can still see. WOW! must be a miracle and I didn't even ask!Eyes and ears to physical things... but being physically deaf or blind does not prevent a person from being ablet to see and hear the Spirit of Christ.