Recovery said: Your quotation makes no sense since that was many weeks ago. Maybe it hasnt occurred to you that Ive already began to read it? Hmmm, I wonder what Outlaws IQ is.
So...this begs the question: Did you begin to read Crisis? Did you finish?
For me, leaving wasn't just one thing. Once I began to see the truth about the organization, the house of cards fell down. If I had to pin it down I think it would go in this order:
1. Researched the history of the Watchtower using both it's own publications as well as outside accounts of its history. The false prophecies were shockingly worse than the Watchtower let on about. Seeing how they condemned others as false prophets, but did not apply the Deuteronomy false prophet test to themselves, was a huge eye opener.
2. Realizing the place they put themselves in, especially as it applies to Jesus. Jesus is THE mediator between God and men, but the Watchtower set itself up as a mediator between God as it relates to the great crowd. Also researching the deity of Jesus and their deliberate fabrications in the NWT in regards to Jesus relationship to the Father.
3. Seeing the intense lack of love inside the organization. Love is talked about almost non-stop among JWs. However, the practice of UNCONDITIONAL love is almost non existant. If you do something "wrong" then you are shunned. If you disagree with a teaching, you are shunned. If you speak about something that is not sanctioned by the Watchtower, you are either shunned or looked down upon as an unspiritual person (at best) or an apostate.
4. The claim to ONLY follow God and the Bible, yet the reality of following whatever the Watchtower says whether you can readily agree or not. There are no BIBLE studies. There are only publication studies. THEY tell you what to think and believe about EVERYTHING. They take the role of the Holy Spirit and become teachers in the way that only the Holy Spirit is to be our teacher. (John 14:26)
5. The complete confusion regarding new light. The flip flopping of doctrines. The light does NOT get brighter. It merely turns on and off. Going back to old points of view and then rejecting them all over again. I think studying the Revelation book for the last time was a HUGE wake up call to me. They are utterly confused about Revelation, and this can be seen as they try to apply each part of Revelation to their own history. Each of the trumpet blasts are prophecies about their pitiful conventions that they held in the 1920's and 30's. Conventions where MANY false teachings and false prophecies were put forth.
Like I said, these things all mounted up together and it was overly obvious that IF God had only 1 organization that represented Him, it would not be this one. Since then I've come to believe that God does not have a single organization. God deals with us as Christians. Individually. We all make up the Body of Christ. And there are Christians in many different places and denominations. It's that willingness to write off every other person that does not believe the same as we do that causes hate and intolerance. It condemns others for not sharing beliefs on their peculiar doctrines, as well as encourages an environment where unconditional love cannot be shown.
Recovery, if you are honestly looking into these things with an open mind to see IF this organization can be what it claims to be, then I commend you. I pray that you can do a thorough examination and see if they really were chosen by Jesus in 1919, like they claim.