Dear Myelaine -
The orthodox church is a very broad and generic term. Wiki it and there are many possibilities. Link me to a website of either your or any orthodox church which you are referring to. Somewhere that I can view a list of the core beliefs and values, etc. Many scriptures are interpreted differently by many different faiths, I want to see what you believe and how you apply and interpret the scriptures you most believe in.
Daniel 12:4 to-ing and fro-ing is exactly what is happening right now. It says MANY will do that and knowledge is increased. What individuals discover or think they discover, others read, and combine with what they've discovered, the internet is allowing and this has only been possible in the entire history of the world the past 10/15 years, for a massive combining of knowledge of ancient, archeological, bible understanding, etc, to learn the truth and destroy the lies.
As for making the connections, and people who are not believers, I do not fully agree with that. Many of the connections I've made and such, SHOULD have been done looooong before I was born. Just connections in the bible, not information from other sources, books, dead sea scrolls, just the bible alone. The reason I believe, is one, like JW's, we can see how people are blinded. If you take what Jesus said and his miracles in a spiritual vs physical sense, he opened the eyes of the blind, opened the ears of the deaf, cured the sick, raised the dead. It's interesting that everything he did in a physical sense, elsewhere is spoken of the same terms as a spiritual sense. Another big thing......I've read the entire bible, front to back, for the first time a couple years ago, I've probably done that twice, but also probably have read it cover to cover the past few years just based on rereading many parts several times over as well. When I learn one thing, then the next time I read the bible, having that knowledge of the one thing I had learned, then it opens my eyes to learn more. You CAN'T read it one time and figure it all out. It's very progressive, the more you read, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you have to reread to adjust more. Also I would take the holy spirit as what inspires you to read a certain part, and also to open your mind to see and accept a new understanding. Even to motivate you to read other books, not part of the canon, which add more understanding on certain things.
As for being lead further into the truth and being of service to any who listen to me.....I consider myself still in a training or learning phase. I believe my life has a purpose. I do not know if I will ever understand it, but I do want to atleast have a postive effect on people.
What I've learned 'so far' that can help people.
1. I can help free them, if they are ready to accept the truth, of any religion based on the bible. Since I was raised a JW, and first hand experiencing and seeing the evil they are doing, any who do not allow and choose to stay deluded, who WANT to see in the scriptures all the wrongs and lies and bad things God has to say about their practices, I can provide that. That is just merely being freed from man.
2. Can help show them how to learn the bible and increase their understanding, how to get answers and holy spirit, and not be relying on another human. Traditionally, it seems many believe and even the bible show that you have shepherds and sheep. You have ones who may be more enlightened and supposed to help others. At the moment I'm leaning to this understanding of how it may really be or should be.....Possibly God can directly grab hold of one and pump them with insight and understanding to accomplish something. But also one who on their own truly wants it can get it as well, based on Jesus speaking of the father giving holy spirit to ANY who ask, and also the promise of James 1:4-5. Jesus also gave the illustration of the slaves given silver, the more one is given, the more that is asked of them. Then Paul spoke of babes and drinking milk, and asking when will they take on solid food. I'm leaning towards the thinking that those who are enlightened and such, their job is to give the milk to the babes, to actually help teach them, but the ultimate goal is to get them to then grow and able to start eating ON THEIR OWN. All the religions want them to stay babes forever, and they are babes themselves, since God won't allow them truth if they aren't in harmony with his way. That is why Paul was complaining that they are still babes and asking when will they take on whole food. You are supposed to get them started, and if trained right, unlike the WT saying NEVER eat on your own or take on food, you must drink our milk forever, you teach them to be able to eat on their own. But at the same time, they are to still be together. Look at the early congregations, it was not just a few leading them all, it spoke of those speaking in tongues, prophets, understand the scriptures, etc, ALL who ate solid food, they would get together and share what they learned. It's very similar to what is happening with the internet today. Many are posting what they learn or feel they are learning. For example recently I was doing more research into Melchizedek, and even though inconclusive, I was sharing things I was learning along the way. Then Leolia (forgot how it's spelt) also joined in with more details and her findings. When one eats solid food or able to learn and understand on their own, they are open to what they are learning as a work in progress and more to be known, what anybody else says is used to learn more, it may be right or wrong, you compare all the possibilites against all the scriptures.
3. Those above 2 are things I can do to help along the way. The biggest thing I am working on now, I'll just sum them up, but please don't ask me to explain it, it will be awhile until I start that, but if anybody reading this happens to be one of those also aware of this and researching it, then I'd love to compare notes. 1. You see the conflicting messages in the bible and prophecies, you realize some of them speak against eachother, either one is true and one is a lie, or it was written to show the pubic perception of what those things would be and the conflict is exposing the truth of what it really is, either way, you see it and you are trying to figure it out. 2. You have noticed some chapters in the bible have been written in code, either because God was hiding a truth to be understood later, or the writers themselves did it to protect the message and verbally told and passed it down and was probably lost atleast by 70AD, and the only way to break it is by understanding hebrew. Interlinear is also not fully helpful because you've noticed many sources translate hebrew words differently. I am actually going to try to find a Jew or somebody who is fluent in Hebrew to help me out translating a few things, all of the interlinears, even though better then any english translation, seem to assume what the word should be instead of the literal word even if it doesn't make sense. For example, in the bible, Adam and Man are spelt the same. If speaking about Adam it's tranlated Adam, if it's thought to be speaking about man, it's translated man. I only know this because I noticed in the interlinear, adm-Adam and adm-man. So in Ezekiel, when it says, "son of man", it really says, "son of Adam". Or since adam means man, the creation story about adam could be speaking about man in general. The point is the same word is used for both, but instead of letting the reader decide if it's a name or man in general, the thinking ability for that is removed, if the translator is incorrect, it's blocked the possibility for the correct understanding. Same with the word tzedek, it means either righteousness or the hebrew name for the planet jupiter. Bottom line, years ago I began on a path that was merely a suspicion at first, hoping to debunk it, and it's continued to be legit, and l'll quote the matrix, "Just how deep does the rabbit hole go".