Regarding mammoths freezing as they ate---huge fail. Research that. Research what they actually found---and you will also learn that the mammoth did not freeze to death, but fell into a sink hole and was covered with silt, and was preserved that way. Not through freezing. It had a broken leg. that case has been so misrepresented by bible believers, and so easy to call out, anyone should be ashamed to even use it.
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Egypt at one time was the dominating world power, and even in Ezekiel's day was still considered relatively influential and important. But look at Egypt today. Has it not become a mere shadow of what it used to be?
False reasoning. I can say the same for the world powers today and be proven correct after 2000-3000 years. This won't make me a prophet though.
I know SOME in the science community have created alternative theories behind mammoths freezing as they did. However, for years the accepted theory gave credence to the idea of a flood - and "some", not all, felt compelled to develop alternatives.
None of us can say - its all conjecture and theory. What is not is that the Earth did have a cataclysmic event on the scale of a flood described in Genesis. How and when is in debate, naturally.
J. Hofer : When I say "life" started over, I am referring to larger animal life. Before either a flood or asteroid (or other) dinosaurs ruled this planet. Some event changed that, and nearly EVERYONE in the scientific community agrees it was sudden - within hours/days depending where they were on the planet. I am surprised you dont know this.
Johnnyprc said ...
Whether you believe in evolution or the bible (or both), there was a cataclysmic event that destroyed most life on this earth, and yet animals as we know them today sprung back in a VERY short time frame.
You would call 65 million years ago a VERY short time frame ??
The reason of this discovery is that there is a layered geological deformation thats consistent world wide.
You also said ......
as seen in mammoths being frozen as they ate.
What ? Are you a Paleontology expert ?
You have to remember that the earth has gone through various and escalating environment and temperatures
changes globally. ( ie. Ice Age) The recent findings of fossilized vegetation in the South pole region also confirms that.
There are flood myths from many different cultures. A common theme in the stories is the idea of punishing mankind for his sins while saving just enough people to start a better race.
We can see those elements in the Chinese myth where Gong Gong, so ordered by the head of the gods, created a flood as a punishment for human misbehavior. It lasted 22 years, until the hero started to dam the waters. The hero was killed for this act, but from his corpse sprang a son who finished his father's project.Rome
The Greco-Roman story, recounted by Ovid, is another tale of collusion among the gods to punish evil humanity. Jupiter persuaded Neptune to flood all the earth except for the summit of Mt. Parnassus. There Deucalion and Pyrrha arrived by boat. The childless couple repopulated the earth by throwing their "mother's bones" (stones from "mother" earth) behind them. The stones became people.Babylon
A Babylonian story with modern theme tells of the attempts by the gods to limit human population. Their third attempt was a flood, against which one of the gods (Enki, who sided with mankind more than the others), told Atrahasis to build an ark and load it with his family and animals.When the flood ended, Enki made some women barren and created stillbirths to prevent further overpopulation problems.
In ancient theology gods were responsible for such things as catastrophic earthquakes, floods, thunder, lighting,
unknown dreadful killing diseases, devastating droughts .... the list goes on.
Many ancient civilizations postulated that their selective god caused these events due to their god being vengeful toward
the people of whom were worshiping them, for one reason or the other. The Flood story in the bible fits well into this suggested
ancient idealogical expression ..... doesn't it ?
I said sprung back in a short time, not necessarly that is was a short time ago. It really matters not, as dating itself has a host of problems. There is going to be no way we can argue what happened and how it happened that long ago. I made general statements, including the fact there is no agreement or consensus on what/how/when - only that it did happen, and life sprung back rather fast. I am sure some would argue with every point there is out there.
Needless to say, you who don't believe in God have more difficulties explaining things than you have answers for.
The comment about other gods' stories being used to create the bibles stories is not a new argument. The main problem you have is that you think that came first. All the surviving relatives of the flood would have passed down stories of such an event without accuracy. Every time I hear this analogy I actually feel more emboldened in the truthfulness of the real true event.
Your first example of Genesis inconstancy isn't correct. Genesis 3-5 is talking about making the Sun. Genesis 14 on is placing a spin on the earth to create seasons and time with the rotation of the earth. You can't see that? Gen. 3-5 on is "Light from Darkness", Gen 14 on is "Day from Night" and the time oriented.
I hope you didn't stop believing in the bible over that misconception YOU had.
Since most gods resided in the heavens/sky when a large amount of rain poured down from God in the sky, it was perceived as an act of god cleansing
or washing away the evil of that civilization.
How and when is in debate, naturally.
It certainly wasn't 4000 years ago as thought by creationists, thats for sure.
And the notion that god needed to kill dinosaurs for the sake of man, where did you derive that idea, certainly not from the bible ?
King Solomon
God apparently wasn't a big fan of photosynthesis: he created plants before creating the Sun. Although, I suppose apologists would say that the Sears Craftsman work lamp he made earlier would've been a grow lamp.
The Bible thoughout (OT and NT) reflects the ancient erroneous belief that men thought with the organs found in their torso, and not with the brain (as we all know today). 2,000 yrs ago, it was the common belief that the heart contained thoughts, the kidneys were the seat of emotions and wisdom (and hence their role as a guilt offering). Oops.... Would the "Intelligent Designer" of man not know basic human anatomy, confusing the pump for blood with the organ of cognition, and the organ of excretion and urine formation with the brain?
Of course, the Job story was botched by redactors who blew a good story by introducing a set-up that revolved around Satan making a bet with God but blowing the kiss-off excuse offered ("you wouldnt understand why even if I told you"), telling readers exactly why Job was made to suffer (a bet on the outcome of a loyalty test).