I think it is important to remeber 'good people' and 'good deeds'. And honour them.
WT strips us of that, Funerals and deaths anyone.
the amount of witnesses that are in turmoil as they are parents of a child/man/woman of someone who has been in that agonising place,
a place where of pain, hurt, bewilderness and suffering, and could take no more of the 'torture', they needed peace, they needed to be at 'rest'.
they had to give the ultimate scacrifice. the parents now, are agonising as to where the souls are now, have they committed the 'ulitmate sin' by suicide ?
No, they have not, they were failed.
Didn't know oopa, but, from what people say, he must of been a great guy, and very special.
His memory should be preserved, to help all the one's left behind.
He should be honoured in memory.