Can You Believe THIS?

by LDH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH


    You're right--almost. The difference is that Jehovah himself decided who would be destroyed. Not the FDS. So yes, Jehovah has a chosen people. The parameters for his chosen people are given by Jesus himself: Love Jehovah your father with your whole heart soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

    Are you forgetting Acts 10:34? God is not partial.

    The other problem with your arguement, you're defending the 'old' WTBS stance. You know, the one we all grew up with. But apparently, they've changed their own position, at least on their website. You didn't address that issue.

  • happytobefree

    The idea of God having a chosen people, is the MAIN reason I don't think the Bible is accurate.

    A good example is God letting Adam and Eve die, but allowing Satan to live. Satan was perfect when he went against God.

    I wish someone could answer this question with good logic and not a bunch of scriptures (that I have yet to read that answer this question). Why would our father create us and then choose a favored people? When he created all of us. Is he not happy with his work. It's like me choosing which of my children I want to feed, clothe and protect.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • happytobefree

    The idea of God having a chosen people, is the MAIN reason I don't think the Bible is accurate.

    A good example is God letting Adam and Eve die, but allowing Satan to live. Satan was perfect when he went against God.

    I wish someone could answer this question with good logic and not a bunch of scriptures (that I have yet to read that answer this question). Why would our father create us and then choose a favored people? When he created all of us. Is he not happy with his work. It's like me choosing which of my children I want to feed, clothe and protect.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • happytobefree

    The idea of God having a chosen people, is the MAIN reason I don't think the Bible is accurate.

    A good example is God letting Adam and Eve die, but allowing Satan to live. Satan was perfect when he went against God.

    I wish someone could answer this question with good logic and not a bunch of scriptures (that I have yet to read that answer this question). Why would our father create us and then choose a favored people? When he created all of us. Is he not happy with his work. It's like me choosing which of my children I want to feed, clothe and protect.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • LDH

    OK HAPPY we heard you! ;)

    Notice I didn't use any other parameters for being a chosen purpose other than

    1: Loving Jehovah
    2: Loving our neighbors

    Religion puts a ton of other parameters on being 'chosen'.

    As to your other question, maybe:
    1. Adam and Eve saw immediately the results of being unfaithful. They had both been warned, tho Eve only by Proxy.
    2. Satan had not, according to any information we have, been warned about any behavior, therefore Jehovah told him after the fact what ramifications his behavior would have on the whole human race, but that would take a while.....

    my musings?!?!?

    Edited by - LDH on 1 February 2001 17:22:45

  • eyes_opened

    Warning! Free thinking dead ahead! Those easily offended please turn around and head to the nearest exit!

    God sees that not punishing Satan didn't work so well, so he lets Adam and Eve have it both barrels? Hmmm. So, that would make JH rather like the governing body...changing the rules as he goes along? JH makes mistakes? Hmmmm. God isn't perfect then? <By mankinds standards that is> What a novel idea!

    It seems to me that religion, no matter what name it calls itself is only mankinds way of trying to understand that which he cannot. His way of trying to come up with answers for questions that are beyond his comprehension. Religion and superstition are basically synonomous.

    That is why a religion is so offensive when it tries to claim that *IT* is the only true way.
    There have been countless belief systems, of people through the ages, claiming to have the secret to understanding God and the universe. I cannot see that ANY organized religion has proved to be of benefit to all those who adhere to it exclusively.


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • RedhorseWoman


    I totally agree with your point that the "chosen people" are those who follow the commands expressed by Jehovah through Jesus.

    Those who are following God's commandments are not necessarily in any particular religion, but rather are a group chosen for their actions, not their membership in a religion.

  • happytobefree


    I loved your explanation and it is logical, but it still make me wonder. Why would God give you free choice and then punish you for it. He created man, so he knew their nature. I think the Adam and Eve story and others are great stories. But, I still cannot think of my creator as being one to desert his children - by allowing Satan to continue to tempt and torture his children is sadistic in my opinion.

    And I don't want anyone to think I hate God or that I don't believe in God, because I do. But I don't think the God of the Bible is necessary my God. But I'm still studying this point. At this point of my understanding, I find God in nature, myself, other people (even bad qualities, I feel those are lessons to be learned).

    Well I'm going to end for now, because my beliefs are hard to pin down or hard for me to explain in writing. So as I tell many. Right now I consider myself a loving human who is trying to understand.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • Sassenach
    Why would God give you free choice and then punish you for it.

    If I were a creator I would be most proud of the creation that grew to be independent and thought for itself, not constantly asking my opinion. I would think the majority of parents are proudest of their children when they are successful and independent, can behave without being threatened, can live together in harmony with those they differ with---I simply don't understand God.

    (perhaps I should offer to be a deity for this new religion you people are starting---I'd like being worshipped)

    Edited by - Sassenach on 1 February 2001 21:27:22

  • eyes_opened

    Ditto happy, I too believe there is a creator and am going through the same feelings as you at the moment. Nice to know that someone else is having the same feelings. The honesty of others saying that they DON'T have all the answers is very comforting Perhaps the truth is in not pretending that you know the truth!

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

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