I'm divorced and I have a daughter who is nearly 11. Last year she watched a video in school covering upcoming body changes (which she already knew about). But one suggestion they gave that I didn't think of was to go get femine supplies and be prepared for when the time comes. I like being prepared ahead of time for emergencies. I don't want to go out shopping for femine supplies after she starts. I want supplies at home and some she can take along with her in her backpack to school. But I don't know what to get for an 11-year-old.
I've asked the ex a few times about this and only get the response, "oh, there's plenty of time to worry about that". Well, I've noticed some of the girls in my daughter's class this year are starting to develop and now I'm worried. There may not be plenty of time and my ex keeps blowing it off.
Quite frankly, I never really paid attention to all that stuff my ex used. I know she used pads and I don't ever recall seeing tampons. I don't know if one or the other is better for starting off or to have both on hand and what products/sizes are best for an 11-year-old that's also on the petite and short side.
So what's the right starter stuff to get? And what brand? Specifics are best if you can provide them.