these come in a black box and are not pastel pink colored like typical feminine supplies.
Femine supplies advice help needed
by jws 43 Replies latest social family
Band on the Run
When she is older, Gloria Steinem wrote a fantastic piece for Ms. Magazine that was titiled "IF Men Menstrauted" or something similar to that.
It is amazing how young girls are so embarassed and in a few years, they will sit around and critique all the products.
You know perfectly well what to purchase. Dont be dense. Are You also so shy about toilet paper and deoderant purchases? Do You get the vapors when making a tooth floss purchase?
Honestly, if You really are so confused over a regular ordinary womans monthly needs then you need to consult a female medical proffessional to have a birds and bees talk with Your Youngster...Sheesh...
By the way, had doubts about Your honesty in this matter. I read through Your posts and came to the conclusion that You actually do have some sense. My guess is that You are being silly and or perverted for whatever reason. If You do indeed have a daughter at the cusp of puberty, the last thing in the world she would do is inquire of her silly daddy "pad or tampon".
issuesneedtissues Iam starting to have a second thought about jws thread. Are you a member of LGBT Dad raising a daughter? My understanding is that, regardless of the manner of breakup, most female Ex's will forget everything to come to help their daughter on such private matters as 'femine issue' Its an in-built intuition on their part to act that way unless Iam incorrect.
Nathan Natas
You are smart to be proactive about this so there will be no panic when the time comes. You have received some good advice already: I am clueless on this subject, but do remember that you can talk man-to-man with your pharmacist, assuming he's a he.
Your ex-wife is a dumbass, in my opinion.
People don't avail themselves of the internet enough to find out the answers to simple issues:
...from a 3-minute google search.
I was 11 when I got my first period. I wish someone had put some supplies in the bathroom for me! Get the good pads, not the generic, and some extra panties. If you are comfortable enough, and she's ok with it, talk about how"leaks" and "overflowing" will happen and that it's ok. Some thing discreet to tuck into her back pack is a great idea!
Vivid memory,,,, I can remember my mom telling me that the pain would be terrible. I rarely get cramps, even to this day. I get a terrible backache and really bad headaches. I remember my mom and sister using their periods as an excuse to act like total bitches and blame it on PMS. It is a natural function that should be treated as such.
And to all the ladies reading this thread, have you heard of a Diva cup? I've been using one for about 5 years and it's awesome. if you can use a diaphram you can use a Diva cup.
Because my mother never used tampons, and for some reason thought virgins should not use them she never offered to buy them for me,
she also didn't discuss these things with me so it made me feel like it was dirty. When my oldest daughter was 9, I told her everything she
needed to know about what was going to happen to her body (when she wasn't to grossed out to listen) then when I saw her developeing
I told her, you are going to start your peroid this summer, and I was right. Not only did she start when I thought she would, it was the same day as mine!
I bought her Pads, panty liners and the slender tampons, I had told her where they go and how to use them, to take a mirror and look.
She was not comfortable with the tampons at first, but she , on her own time figured it out. So now she dosen't miss pool partys, going to the beach. like I did.
When she started, she came right up to me and showed me her underwear, I failed to tell her it wasn't going to look like blood the first time, so she was like "look, whats up with this?" I was so happy she felt so comfortable with me.And she didn't have to walk down to the convience store at 12 to buy her own tampons because she was too embarrassed to ask her mom.
I just re read your post: thin pads with wings, slender tampons, panty liners....Keep them in the bathroom she uses when she is with you
You don't have to mention them, and always check to see if her supplies need to be re-filled, so she does not have to ask.
I recall telling my sister. She ran and told my mother who announced it my four brothers. Horribly embarrassing. I was not one of those girls who was looking forward to it. There were absolutely no supplies a 12 year old could use, save using a bunch of tissue. And this happened on a school day when there was to be a Christmas party. In those times, we had to use belts. That was unreliable. Eventually, I saw an ad in a teen magazine for jr sized tampax that said you could even wear them in swimming. I took the ad to my mother and asked if she could buy me some. She told me she hadn't used tampons until college, but that she guessed I didn't have to wait for college. I was ever so grateful.
It's a kindness to have supplies on hand. Some maxi pads and some mini pads. Later she may wish to use jr size tampons.
Something else: you can keep wet wipes on hand for her, too. She can take them along to school. Some kind of little zipper, fabric pouch to put extras in, of pads, tampons and wet wipes would help her.