Well done.
Video tribute to Oompa (Eric Reeder)
by cedars 83 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks guys. I'm really thrilled that the video seems to meet with everyone's approval. I tried to be as sensitive as possible in making it.
The photos and brief film clip from the video are all taken from Eric's facebook page. There are a number of other photos that didn't make the cut for the video, but I feel uncomfortable posting these on here because they all feature other people - and I don't know how they'd feel. I do show two pictures in the tribute video of Eric with some children (relatives, I assume) but both were looking away from the camera and it didn't feel so bad showing them together in that context.
I've also downloaded the full video of Eric singing and playing the guitar, but I guess I can hold on to it all (along with the pictures) until I decide what to do, if anything. There's certainly no rush.
Cedars, thank you. That was very beautiful!
Thanks 00DAD.
Bumping for those who haven't seen it.
Very nice tribute Cedars . . . thanks.
Juan Viejo2
Because of my connections to you on other projects I've guessed that you truly had big heart and open mind for those who have been damaged by the abuse and loveless religion promoted by the Watchtower. I did not know Oompa at all and only read his commentary here on JWN. Obviously many others knew him personally and cared for him.
Your video was perfect and a beautiful statement of love. Thank you.
Eric Reeder is just another example why those of us who are actively exposing the sins of the Watchtower and trying to expose their hypocrisy must not stop. Until the rest of the world understands that there are hundreds just like Eric suffering unimaginable pain and even death because of this cult - we must continue to get the word out.
I get emails and comments on my websites every week asking for someone to help at all - any help at all. I do my best, but fail miserably in too many cases.
None of us will know whether a well-timed hug and some quiet time to just listen would have saved Eric. Some of us are just too far away to help. It's just a shame that anyone should ever suffer that much.
CEDARS- Very beautifully done. As none of us would have been honored in ANY of our deaths at a JW memorial if we had died while still in the JW cult ( WT marketing schemes would have been honored ) - it is very classy , humane, and appropriate of you to recognize this man now in his death and terrible hour of grief for his family and friends. Thanks for posting this, rest in peace Oompa. Sincerely, Mr. Flipper
Thanks for making that video. What a lovely tribute!
dear cedars...
that video is a lovely tribute to oompa. and your music selection is perfect.
love michelle