Video tribute to Oompa (Eric Reeder)

by cedars 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderelite

    Nice. So be it. I will only praise jehusha whatyamacall on this thread.

  • mrsjones5

    Sheeh, it's like high school up in here. How old are y'all? 15, 16?

  • elderelite

    Lol... Busted :P

  • AGuest

    How this was or has anything to do with dear Palm... is so beyond me, I don't even know where to start. Then again, yes, I do:

    Dear, dear Palm... you've known me quite a long while and you and I have NEVER had any problems, ever. Although I left the board for a short while for personal reasons, I did not change. I came back, though, and it was like... all of a sudden there was a problem. I truly didn't and still don't quite understand it. I didn't understand why I was being blamed for things that occurred when I wasn't even here... as well as why such caused you to take issue with me. Thankfully, you explained that and so while I still don't quite understand WHY it occurred, I understand HOW it could. EVEN SO... my comments here had absolutely NOTHING to do with you: my love... and loyalty... as a friend doesn't stop just because someone disagrees with me or sides with others. I am way... WAY... more adult and mature than that. This isn't high school and I don't NEED the "popular" (aka "mean") girls to side/agree with me. I didn't need it back then.

    There is nothing in anything I've posted as to dear Eric that was directed at or intended for you... other than condolences "to those close to him and who loved him." I do understand your sensitivity, right now, but please... don't read yourself into my words as to those who are giving all manner of lip service to this matter, but hiding out. You are not hiding out; heck, you posted your picture with dear Eric, girl, and most of know your real name!

    Please also don't put so much store in folks who want you to believe they are on your side or have your best interests at heart, here, by trying to make me the common enemy. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book... and I KNOW you're are so much more savvy than to fall for that. If such ones allowed you to take issue with me, for something I wasn't even present let alone responsible for... rather than saying to you as your friend, "Hey, look, girl, she wasn't even here, let alone involved, so you can't blame her for that"... as TRUE friends WOULD (or at least, that's what I gather is the issue here - what a TRUE friend would say/do)... and yes, you all SO instigated that... how can you fully trust them? That's not operating in TRUTH, dear one - it's operating in personal self-interests ("See, THEY feel this way, and SHE likes them so SHE feels this way, too!"). Bull. Melarkey. Lies. Especially when no one (of the usual suspects) bothered to ask me what I thought or how I felt about any part of the matter.

    You and I have managed to remain friends IN SPITE of our differences, dear one (which differences are actually relatively recent)... which is what true friendship is about, luv. It isn't based on mutual beliefs and ideologies. It is based on LOVE... and you have never shown ME anything but... nor I, you. And I never will. Love... never fails... Tamra. Ever.

    Again, peace to you, my dear one... always.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Angharad

    Seriously how hard is it to keep on topic and not start thowing insults around. This thread is about Eric and people remembering him, if you have a problem with someone or how they express themselves take it to PM

  • AGuest

    You're right, dear Ang (peace to you!). It bothered me that dear Palm thought I was targeting her (never may that happen!) and so I clarified. That others felt the need to take it further is... well, par for the course. The usual suspects strike again.

    I won't be here much longer. Just wanted to see this through and got sidetracked... which is entirely on me. I should have remained focused. My apologies to you and the board.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • botchtowersociety

    That was a beautiful tribute, Cedars. We've lost one of our own.

  • palmtree67
    It bothered me that dear Palm thought I was targeting her

    I never said you were targeting me. I merely reminded you that not everyone who isn't taking up the revolution right now is avoiding it because of fear.

  • mrsjones5

    Thank you Ang. I'm sitting here shaking my head about the disrespect of it all.

  • AGuest

    I stand corrected... and apologize for misunderstanding again... dear Palm (again, peace to you!). Judging by the comments I apparently wasn't the only person who got the impression that I was targeting you, so I hope you can understand why I did. I truly was not, though, and I'm very glad to know you DIDN'T think that.

    Now... back to dear Eric, please?

    Thank you and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant (always) and a slave of Christ,


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