I just agree with Chappy (also because of private conversations I'm having with others too) that statements about what is "honoring" or "dishonoring" Eric, should be set aside for now.
That's not just a reminder for you alone, either.
by cedars 83 Replies latest jw friends
I just agree with Chappy (also because of private conversations I'm having with others too) that statements about what is "honoring" or "dishonoring" Eric, should be set aside for now.
That's not just a reminder for you alone, either.
I think Eric would have been very happy for someone like aguest to take up the fight against the WTS on his account and to focus on bringing their cruelty to the fore.
people respond in different ways to grief and there is also a place for the fighters for justice
Really??????????? Really really????? U know this how? How in the he do you know what oompa would want and who he would want to do it??? Please share... Do the dead talk to you like they do shelby?
nice video cedars - thanks for sharing
I think Eric would have been very happy for someone like aguest to take up the fight against the WTS on his account and to focus on bringing their cruelty to the fore.
I didn't realise you knew him so well.
Sorry for the loss of your friend, s+g
nice video cedars thanks for sharing
Made me cry! RIP Eric!
Love bro H
Thanks Cedars you have put your great talent to wonderful use here ......
remembering the focus , a tribute to Eric..... to celebrate his life that indeed continues to serve a purpose
for us yet confronting this sometimes cruel world.
A most valued contribution indeed !!
" Mourning is one of the most profound human experiences that it is possible to have... The deep capacity to weep for the loss of a loved one and to continue to treasure the memory of that loss is one of our noblest human traits".-- Shneidman (1980)
We must trust the noblest thoughts and intent are expressed in grief . Grief purges of many emotions hurt, anger regret , yes even remembering joy and laughter..
in it's reflections.
That was lovely Cedars....some much needed peace and soothing the mind...beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful and so tastefully done, Cedars. I loved it.