Advantages of being a JW

by ISP 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • SeenTheLight

    I have tried and tried to think of advantages ... one that comes to mind is being able to sleep on a straight chair with my head up AND my eyes open.. a fairly amazing feat in itself. Another great one that I am very greatful to the JW's for is showing me who my real friends are in my time of need. Losing my youngest child just after leaving 'the truth' I was sent numerous cards from 'friends' telling me that I will never see my child again unless I come back. So comforting to me in my time of woe. Yep the only people that really helped me and showed genuine concern were 'worldly' people. So thankyou for showing me who I can really rely on when things get really tough .. as has been proved time and time again.

    SeenTheLight - At long last

  • happytobefree


    How MEAN - and to think, they REALLY believed those cards were encouragement. Reading your post has taken my breath away and has made me shed a few tears. And also made me speechless.

    So here's a GREAT BIG (((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))). And I hope you are continuing in your healing.

    Happy to BE Free (Me)


    I guess another advantage - your realized WHAT IS NOT ENCOURAGEMENT.

  • mommy

    To all,
    me thinks there is tooooo much evil done in Gods name when it comes to jws. GOD IS LOVE. Sometimes active jws are so puffed up with the thought that "we will live and others will die" they become haughty, holier than thou. Their insensitive comments and the walls they put up are instilled in them, not of their own(I hope)
    I am sorry for the rudeness that was shown to you. You wouldn't even believe what my mother has said about my daughter, it would turn your stomach. I understand your pain.

  • eyes_opened

    Hi seethelight,

    Wow, I agree with happy! That is HORRIBLE!!! how mean rude and petty of those people to say things like that after you had suffered such a loss. {{{hugs}}} from me too see.

    Not that it even compares with what you have suffered, but your story calls to mind when one of my little ones was very sick with a congenital defect after he was first born. The brothers came by to offer words of *encouragement* As we sat there listening here was one elders sage words of wisdom "Don't worry, If he dies now you'll see him in the resurrection." I was so infuriated I left the room and didn't look back or speak. I think that incident was the beginning of the end for me as far as the witnesses go. It's as if they are pre-programmed with certain responses for certain situations...walking "Reasoning Books" If you will. It seems as if though they worry so much about saying what is the *proper* thing to say within the context of their religion they forget to be REAL people and show the compassion and the love that is needed. They need to examine Jesus' examples of love, and stop worrying so much about what "The Organization" thinks!


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • eyes_opened


    I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is so sick too! I will keep you all in my prayers. Was just re-reading your earlier post, had missed it before. I'm sorry that your mother has said awful things to you {{{hugs}}} I can't believe people can be so cruel and insensitive. It's really maddening to see them say things like that, like you said in the name of God. Hopefully they aren't doing it to be wicked though, but are in a way brainwashed. <Not that is still doesn't hurt just as much to hear words like that though>

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Angharad


    I just wanted to say how sorry I was to read about your daughter's illness, we'll both be thinking of you and your family.

  • Naeblis

    There were no advantages to being a witness. To state that something you inadvertantly learned while being held mentally prisoner was an advantage is absurd. It's like a Nazi saying that although being a Nazi was bad, his time in the military taught him discipline and pride in his country. Absurd.

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