I don't know the end of this story, but I'm going to give a good guess. Is this where they instituted the df'ing policy?
Rutherford's smear campaign (a must read)
by Leolaia 198 Replies latest watchtower scandals
FWIW, I've had a sneaking suspicion that the WTBTS altered their translation in NWT to read "Faithful and DISCREET slave" (vs ALL the others, which use "faith and wise") as a result of the fall-out between Rutherford and Moyle, as if to insinuate that Moyle had betrayed his attorney/client confidentiality duty by being "indiscreet" about the Society's "private" matters (of course, Rutherford and Moyle were both lawyers; oh, the hubris of Rutherford to think that drinking at Bethel actually WAS the "master's business", LOL! In fact, Jesus' parable WARNED about the evil slave drinking with other servants, LOL!).
In the documents you presented, I found it very interesting to see Rutherford refer to Moyle's using "the very language of the evil servant class",That raises an interesting point, King Solomon. Rutherford considered the Society, and himself by extension, as the "faithful and wise servant" in the parable in Matthew and Luke. This figure, in charge of pastoral duties like feeding the members of the household, was contrasted in the parable with the "evil servant". Rutherford regarded the "evil servant" as anyone who left the Society in order to oppose the work of the organization. Watchtower after Watchtower was filled with articles about the evil servant. As is well known, many Bible Students broke away from the Watchtower Society, first in the succession crisis of 1917, then in the spring of 1918 when the Society compromised its neutrality by supporting the US government, and then throughout the 1920s as Rutherford altered most of Russell's doctrines and warred against the elders in congregations throughout the US and Canada. And of course there was that little prophetic failure about 1925. So there were many Bible Students who broke away from the Society, and felt that the Society had apostasized from the truth and that it was Rutherford himself who was the "evil servant". And what Moyle described fit so well how the parable characterizes the "evil servant":
Matthew 24:48-51, KJV: "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken, the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I would guess that Rutherford probably knew that the parable fit him better than his adversaries, much less Moyle who was a meek quiet man and a teetotaler.
Chris Alone....In an informal sense. The shunning begins in earnest.
Following Howlett's visit and the adoption of the resolution, Harvey Fink apologized to Rutherford for his pastoral actions:
Former zone servant Harvey H. Fink to J. F. Rutherford, 6 Oct. 1939: "I am sincerely thankful for your most recent letter of Oct. 3rd and the frankness with which you treat the matter under discussion. Permit me to state first of all that I alone am solely and exclusively responsible for having asked Bro. Moyle to make his statement to the Milwaukee Company relative to his faithfulness to the Society. At the time I honestly believed it to be the proper thing to do as I did not want the Society to get a black eye in this thing....
I have given the matter most serious and prayerful consideration and I am now thoroughly convinced that such action on my part, no matter how good the motive behind it, was uncalled for and very unwise. Consequently I am most willing to publically acknowledge such wrong on my part before the Milwaukee Company at our very next Tower and Service meeting. Last Sunday evening we unanimously passed a resolution here in Milwaukee which was mailed to you Tuesday, setting forth in unmistakable terms our position toward the Society and you as its president. I am happy to say that every last one of us heartily endorsed that resolution which should assure you that there has been no division caused by what has happened".#33
J. F. Rutherford to former zone servant Harvey H. Fink, 9 Oct. 1939: "I am glad to see that you take my reprimand in the proper spirit. 'Whom the Lord loves he chastises' and I think we should always take things of this kind. I am glad that you see the matter now in the proper light....Moyle has made the greatest mistake he ever made. He came very near entrapping you. I hope you are fully escaped from that". -
In the little rooms the leaders of org. crime meet, they may hash out disagree-
ment of policy (how about 587 BC instead of 607 BC?--CJ found out about some
cuneiform tablets, etc.). But the meeting isn't over till everyone agrees to
tell the same lies--common sense. You seem to the others too much like you don't
want to play ball (to the head guy: no disrespect, but you don't drink or talk in
private the way you should to be a respectable Don), you're out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eT19flOFKkThere's some precedent in how Russell got others to shun and slander the wife he
separated from.
http://glenster1.webs.com/gtjbrooklyn1a.htmv ?
Jaime l de Aragon
The New World Translation is not a translation, is mere adaptation, to avoid paying royalties to biblical issues as, King James and other
Beware the glare of lights
The translation they call "New World Translation ... blah blah blah" is not a translation is an adaptation that have been made, it is not a translation, so we say it is anonymous, you can not know their authors and a thousand stories more, would not pay royalties for use other translations like the KJV, and other
In 1983, Raymond Franz, a former member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and the nephew of former President Frederick W. Franz, wrote a book called Crisis of Conscience.
The echoes of the NWT does not mention the name of any translator and is presented as the result of the anonymous work of the "New World Translation Committee" (Committee of the New World Translation). In fact, members of this committee were Frederick W. Franz, Nathan H. Knorr, Albert Schroeder, Milton Henschel and George D. Bargains. Regarding Fredrick W. Franz, Raymond says that "it was the only one with enough knowledge of the biblical languages ??to attempt a translation of this class. Had studied Greek for two years at the University of Cincinnati, but Hebrew study it by itself (self-taught)"
Interestingly, Dr. Walter Martin says that in a test Fiscal in Scotland November 24, 1954 between Walsh and Latham, "Fredrick W. Franz admitted under oath that he could not translate the Hebrew Genesis 2:4" (a verse that any first-year student at Hebrew Theological Seminary in a rotting translate)
After reviewing the data, Dr. Martin concluded that the Committee on Bible Translation New World deserves no respect because "there was no recognized qualifications reputed translator exegesis or translation in Greek or Hebrew"
Then in the October 15th, 1939 issue of the Watchtower, the Society published its response to Moyle's letter to the world.
The same issue published the following resolution adopted by the Horicon company:
Resolution adopted by the Horicon (Wisconsin) Company, published in the 15 October 1939 Watchtower: "We, the Horicon, Wisconsin, company, Zone Number 2, of Jehovah's witnesses, including the pioneer workers, declare that we are wholly devoted to Jehovah's Theocracy under Christ, that we absolutely refuse to consider the malicious letters which those of the 'evil servant' class have been circulating among the brethren, seeking self-justification and sympathy. We will not co-operate with that class who oppose Jehovah's Theocratic Government under Christ". -
Jaime l de Aragon
FWIW, I've had a sneaking suspicion that the WTBTS altered their translation in NWT to read "Faithful and DISCREET slave"
Jaime l de Aragon you have been told to STFU about that topic on this thread, now start your own!!!
King Solomon
Thanks for the info, Leo. This is like a JW version of 'History Detectives'.
This raises so many more questions, like when did the Society change it's Bethel drinking policy (IF it did: I vaguely remember that my fleshly brother who served in the 70's/80's wasn't allowed to drink while there, but I could be wrong)? Is historical Bethel policy available anywhere? It would be hard to fathom that it would continue after Moyle made an issue of it.
But yes, the smiting and drinking reference in the original accusations of Moyle's letter seemingly were written in the context of the FDS parable.