The Black Cat Analogy

by OnTheWayOut 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    To be honest, I truly wish certain folks would just cut it out, leave the smarm out of the discussion. But I have come to realize that that just isn't ever going to happen with certain folks.

    At least she realizes the problem is ALWAYS with other people. I mentioned no back and forth, so I leave it at that. Go ahead and have a last word before you leave.

  • myelaine

    dear AGuest...

    you said: "Thought if I did so respectfully respectful comments would result. Yes, of course, I knew better... but a one can always hope, can't one... as well as give the benefit of the doubt?"...

    indeed. who was the one who respectfully called someone "silly"?...

    love michelle

  • NewChapter

    If a person was closed up in a dark room with a black cat, and the cat made noises, or brushed up against the person, even if they had not known the cat was in there, even if they had not known to look for the cat, they would find the cat.

    If the cat is really there, anyone would find it, regardless of belief, 'spirituality', philosophy or method. The cat is there and the evidence is available for all to see. It wouldn't even take a flashlight.

  • mrsjones5

    Note to self: "silly" is bad word


  • elderelite

    Add that to the head pat ;)

  • FlyingHighNow

    Love the cryptic.

  • OnTheWayOut

    New Chapter gets the COMMENT OF THE WEEK AWARD for #13137 above.

    I don't know if that's practical philosophy or not.

    I know it's similar to agnostic philosophy as stated by Outlaw above.

    The pessimist would say "I would probably step on it's tail if I looked for it." The optimist might say, "Don't find it. It'll have to feed itself on mice if we leave it alone in there."

  • mrsjones5

    Depends on what "head" you talking about, ya know?

  • AGuest
    You cant stay away ;)

    Oh, I dunno, EE: one can only take so many beatings before they realize that if they go on that block or down that street one more time, they might actually end up dead. Even if there are ones they love still living on the block. Some learn to fight, true, and so stay. Those that get off on it (fighting) usually win the block... sometimes to the detriment of the other residents who also live on it. Others, while pretty good fighters, tend to just get tired of fighting - no one benefits and as the body gets older it takes longer to heal from the "wounds." They reason, why put oneself through that after reaching, say, 50 or so? At some point the person realizes they need to get out of the gang. This usually results when they realize that their loved ones can and WILL come see THEM (some actually want to get off the block, too!)... so why even keep walking down that street?

    I was there a bit ago... but then heard about a tragedy... and so came back to the 'hood to pay my respects. Did I expect a warm greeting? Yes, of course, and I got that. From many. I also expected some of the old rivals on the block to come out, as well... and throw their usual sticks and rocks... and got that, too. And I have to admit, though, that while I derived some small measure of satisfaction (because my expectations were validated)... I experienced much greater sadness... knowing that some of the "homies" hadn't matured any more past where they were went I left the 'hood. Still hangin' out on the same corner... still listenin' to Motown oldies... still smokin' the same ol' stuff and talkin' the same ol' smack.

    And so, just for posterity's sake... I thought I'd indulge them (and myself) a bit while I was here. But as with almost any return to the place where one "grew up"... after a couple/few days/weeks... you're ready to go back home, where home is NOW, to your own "bed." Sometimes, you even can't wait to get there. But before you do, good manners says you take a moment and exchange a few words with your old "homies." Play the dozens, shoot some dice, cuss someone out for knockin' over your fo'ty and cheatin'...

    You know, so they don't think YOU think you're better'n them or anything... just 'cause you moved out of the 'hood 'n all.



    A slave of Christ,


  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    How to trap an atheist: Serve him a fine meal, then ask him if he believes there is a cook

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