The Black Cat Analogy

by OnTheWayOut 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    if we are using the cat as an analogy to God,

    We're not (but someone else'll have to explain to you why that is 'cause I really must go, now).

    Are you suggesting that kitty has set a trap to punish those that didn’t find him because he hid from them and were unaware of the need to look?

    Absolutely NOT. You're mistaking me (still, and that's curious, after all this time... as in your statement above) for someone who believes the GOOD news of the kingdom has something to do with God arbitrarily destroying people He doesn't "like." Never may that happen! That is an UNRIGHTEOUS act! And what is the WORLD is good about that kind of news??

    Okay, I really gotta go, now. I mean, this could keep on all day... if we let it... and I really don't wanna let it. 'Cause it usually deteriorates into something horrible (given the players) and I'm just not up for that. I've been to where more "peaceful waters" flow... and I like it there, so...

    "I'm going home, I've done my tiiiiimmmmmeeeee!"

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    Absolutely NOT.

    Then whatever could be on the other side of that door? I'm confused.

  • AGuest
    Why can't EE mention your god?

    First, we're not talking about my God, per see (please see first response in penultimate post, above). And he can; I just meant that if he cannot bring himself to use the correct form (well, any form that's not intentionally derogatory), to please refrain from using it at all. I mean, I did say "please."

    Now, really, we must stop here you and I as I really must go. I am SURE you have some [much more] important things to do with your time than engage in a back-and-forth with me. Surely.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Then whatever could be on the other side of that door?

    Nothing? Oh, and kitties can't set traps... sill... ummmm... Miss rabbit...

    I'm confused.

    Well, so long as I didn't say it...

    And... SO LONG...


  • NewChapter

    *shrug* I pretty much choose what I do at any given moment. No need to release me.

  • AGuest
    No need to release me.

    Mmmmmm... don't be so sure about that. I mean, I might need to... if I want to BE released, that is.


  • NewChapter

    You don't need me to release you either. Go do what you have to do, I'll hang out for a little while. Thanks though, I just wasn't ready to leave.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Theocratic Sedition....I hear ya buddy...ROFL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    How to trap an atheist: Serve him a fine meal, then ask him if he believes there is a cook

  • Heaven

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