Jwfacts-- Why So Many Contradictions?

by Recovery 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Recovery


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    how about you explain why your spirit directed organization is promoting active child molestors to become elders?

  • Retrovirus

    Recovery. . .

    Here in the real world, you don't have to be perfect to be believed. There is no "Truth", nor any infallible interpretation of it.

    We just evaluate them all and go with the one that checks out best.

    In the WT world there is no infallible "Truth" either. Just some silly old men who can't admit their mistakes.

    Meanwhile a big thank you for promoting the wonderful and informative jwfacts.com !.

  • jwfacts

    I do not see anywhere that it said you could post the PM. I am pulling you up on your honesty, yet again, not that I care in this particular case that you have published my pm to you.

    The comment " It does say the trinity is correct. " was a misprint and should have said "It does not say the trinity is correct", which can be deduced from reading the article.

    I do not see any contradiction, so please let me know what your point is. I push no doctrinal agenda. My site is written from a Christian perspective, but it does not promote either Christianity, any other relgion, or atheism. I clearly stated to you that exJWs end up in all range of belief systems. No one has ever told me that "Due to the information on your site, I have now become a ... ."

    Articles on doctrine typically take the format:

    • What Wathctower teaches now on a topic
    • Any inconsistencies with that teaching
    • What other Christians believe about it and why
    • How the Watchtower has done one or more of the following - changed the doctrine, flip flopped, lied and misquoted

    By following that thought process, most people, (apart from the the dellusional and sufferers of cognitive dissonance) realise that Jehovah cannot be directing the leaders in what they write, otherwise it would not be filled with lies and errors. The leaders are just men, no more sincere, guided or talented than men that direct many other religious organisations.

  • Retrovirus

    JWfacts, in reply to the 4th post on this thread, Recovery said he had your permission to quote PMs. Is this so?

  • jwfacts

    Not that I recall. That is why I asked him to show where I gave that permission. I see he is avoiding answering the question, but has not stopped him issuing insults.

  • cofty

    Please spell out concisely what the supposed contradiction is?

  • EndofMysteries

    I don't know what jwfacts believes nor care, no human will dicate or interpret the scriptures for me. And I won't be answering anymore of your questions until you answer all the ones you promised to answer yourself that have still been left. Nobody should be answering any of your questions until you catch up.

  • Heaven

    And once again folks, that's ....


    Click it. Read it. Love it!

  • carla

    Does he realize everytime he makes a post about JWFACTS it only helps JWFACTS SEO? (search engine optimization)

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