The Society debunked the rumored new light on the F&DS in 1973

by Leolaia 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    If you were on the GB and you were thinking about a change of doctrine would you not propose it to a few trusted, intelligent individuals and ask them to play devil's advocate?

    COFTY - that's called critical thinking. Why the hell would they do that?

    They might just think themselves right out of the truth!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    you're going to see a lot of the elderly ones marginalized and just ignored. When I was 1st attending meetings, there were several partkaers in our Congregation and extra effort was made to get them to meeting, keeping an eye on them, getting them to assemblies.

    Now that they are just "like the rest of us", they will likely be ignored in the future

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    The other partakers will become disgruntled because of this news. They are not special as they had hoped. When the society refuses to answer their letters on the matter they will stop eating the memorial emblems in protest. The memorial partaking numbers will drop dramatically as the GB hoped. They could go so far as to say these protesting ones were part of the evil slave.


    slimboyfat got it right to the point. They simply want to strengthen their position and at the same time puke new light-incoherent or not.

    They are not of the caliber of uncle Freddy and the well has long dried. So do not expect anything brilliant from them.

  • Quarterback

    Who is the F and D Slave that the Lord will appoint over His belongings? So Jesus leaves and comes back during the GT.

    This clashes with the idea/teaching that Jesus is head of the Congregation. How could he serve as head during the apparent last days, and at the same time leave it upto the FDS?

    Are we to believe that we are left alone to be managed by an earthly small group of men until Jesus comes back to promote them? What if they fail?

    Will these men use the upcoming years to unravel mistakes that have been made and blame it on some evil slave ideas that we poor domestics have fallen victim to? What is to become of this new thought?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think the apparent correction in understanding that the "arriving" in Matt 24:46 was not in 1914 but is in the future during the Great Tribulation certainly means that there has been no appointment over all of Christ's belongings yet and this in a way undermines the authority of the GB. The faithful slave has not yet passed the test (there was a March 1, 2004 Watchtower study article about this). The only appointment that could have happened in 1919 according to this 'new light' is that the FDS, represented since 1919 by directors/president/GB, received an appointment over the "domestics" to give them their food at the proper time, per Matt 24:45. But that would mean there was no FDS in existence from Pentecost 33CE until 1919CE, which is absurd.

    I think many JW's will inwardly reject the idea that C T Russell, who died in 1916, is excluded from being a FDS according to this new light.

  • Ancientofdays

    "But that would mean there was no FDS in existence from Pentecost 33CE until 1919CE, which is absurd."

    So , who wrote New Testament books (eg. apostle) were NOT part of FDS ?

    Neither who spoke in languages ?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    "Despite founding the Watch Tower Society, Charles Taze Russell was not part of the Slave Class because he was not alive and serving at Headquarters when Christ made his selection in 1919."

    Boy is Russell gonna be pissed about this anarchy when he comes out of his grave on Halloween for his annual haunting of the cemetary where he and his pyramid reside. He's gonna be like "wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh?"

  • Ding

    I think that if they make the change, they'll say that technically the ones put in charge of the master's house are those that do the actual governing.

    Guess who that is.

    As always, they'll throw in several adverbial clauses headed by "evidently" and "reasonably, then."

    They'll change the subject by talking about the Acts 15 "Governing Body."

    Then they'll say that the main thing is to be ready because Armageddon is closer than ever before.

    They'll exhort the brothers and sisters to double their efforts to go door to door with the good news of Jehovah's kingdom in these last days.

    Loyal JWs will marvel at the great Bible scholarship, be grateful for the new light and meat in due season, and see the article as additional confirmation that of all the people on earth they alone are in the truth.


    I apologize if this has been mentioned already. If the nu-lite says that there was NO FIRST CENTURY FDS, then are they saying there was not really a FIRST CENTURY GB? It seems as though they are saying the the FDS and GB are synonymous, ONLY the GB is the FDS. So if there was no FDS until 1919, then there was no GB before then. Am I following this correctly? Those guys, like Paul and even Christ's disciples were not FDS members and therefore not GB members. To quote Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, they were " old, dead dudes ". So hypothetically, if I had told someone that I believed that there was no 1st Century GB, and was accused of apostate thinking, I can now wait for the WT article to come out and hypothetically shove it in there face? So 1 year ago I was an apostate and now I am not?

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