I'm probably reading far too much into this 'new light', but it makes me wonder if this is a continuation of a deliberate strategy by the Society to gradually reduce the number of things linked to 1914.
When you look back over the last few decades, the Society has uncoupled from 1914 more and more of what Jesus said related to his coming and shunted those things into the future to apply to the great tribulation. Many years ago nearly everything was said to have occurred around 1914, including the great tribulation itself, but in recent times we have seen a reduction in those things with more shifted forward in time. This latest new light is a continuation of that trend.
In 1995 in particular there were quite a few uncouplings from 1914. The separation of the sheep and the goats was moved forward to be fulfilled at the great tribulation, as was the throne that Jesus sits on at Matt 25:31 (but ludicrously they said it was only a throne of 'judgment' when it is obvious that this is the coronation of Jesus as King). Now they have finally corrected that glaring contradiction that the "arriving" at Matt 24:46 was said to be around 1914-19 but the "arriving" at Matt 25:31 by Jesus occurs at the outbreak of the great tribulation.
Its pure conjecture but I can't help but wonder that due to those rather dramatic 1995 changes, there were some members of the GB who perhaps realised that the whole game was up on the idea that Jesus Christ began to rule as King in 1914, and that perhaps Jesus has only been 'present' in another sense since then, but it was too much at the time to go the whole hog and correct the remaining contradictions. Perhaps this latest version of the GB, all relatively young, seem to be keen to uncouple even more from 1914.
All they need to do next is shunt all of Revelation 12 into the great tribulation and say that the devil's ousting and 'short period of time' occurs during the great tribulation. They can then say that Jesus has only been 'present' since 1914 per Matt 24:3 as the Lord of Malachi 3:1 who suddenly 'came' to his temple (on behalf of YHWH) to carry out his inspection and appoint the FDS to feed his domestics in 1919, not as King of God's Kingdom. To support this they can Matthew 28:20 where Jesus said he would be spiritually 'with' or present with his disciples until the conclusion of then system of things in 70 AD. They can parallel that to Jesus being spiritually 'present' since 1914 only to inspect all Christians and appoint the FDS in 1919. They can thus retain all of their authority and status over JW's despite uncoupling Jesus enthronment as King from 1914.
They can also uncouple Jesus' coming as King from 1914 while continuing to say that the last days began in 1914 and that we have still witnessed a 'composite sign' since then by simply pointing to Jesus illustration of falling leaves indicating summer is near. The wars, famines, plagues, etc, simply mean Jesus is near to coming as King, not that he is already present as King, which is of course a much more in line with what Jesus meant.
I not so confidently predict this is probably what they are aiming to do post-1914.
I wish I had posted this by starting a new thread but I'm unable to copy and post on this forum using Google Chrome for some reason.