I don't know what you mean that this is a safe thing to share. Why is this safe?
A big shift in the world is about to happen......
by EndofMysteries 239 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you really meditate on it, you will see that...
A red flag phrase.
The implication is that anybody who doesn't agree with you isn't really meditating on it.
just checking up on the 'Big Shift' News....trying to plan a vacation to Hawaii and want to make sure I go before the shift, if I go after the shift ticket prices may go up.
I tried the link to the interlinear and it doesn't work. I am glad you're feeling better but I'm still worried about you
Tace care
I was trying to build up your faith to see it for yourself, but since you lack faith or want to try, I'll walk you through it.....
You will see this....
in the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth and the earth SHE became chaos and vacancy and darkness over faces of abyss and spirit of Elohim vibrating over faces of the waters, Elohim says HE shall become light and he is becoming light and THE LIGHT IS GOOD and he is separating Elohim between the LIGHT(which is GOOD) and the darkness(if light is good, then what is darkness?)
So in the first day, Elohim(God) created Good and Evil.
There are many reasons why we can't understand that or that message isn't seen in our versions. -
http://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/OTpdf/gen1.pdf that's the link, if it doesn't work just search google for hebrew interlinear
If you see that and understand, then the real good news I'll have to share is a million times better then that.
Genesis was written by superstitious sheep herders whose message was that "the creator" is a real S.O.B. so do as He says.
Genesis has been heavily edited by the Jews and would hardly be recognizable to the original writer(s).Nothing from that book was as it was written, so who cares what your theories of what it was trying to tell us are? It is wrong, you are wrong.
The sad thing is that E.O.M. will not come back and apologize. He'll just come back as some newbie with some new crazy theory, he might even say that the Lord is named Jeheshua Mischeva or some even batshit crazier ideas.
(Sorry, gang- I am in the kind of mood where I might just tell a 4-year old that their parents are really Santa Claus and Walmart has the toys made in China.)
The link still doesn't work so I checked it in my interlinear that I got from a Christian bookshop. It says that God called the darkness night. So I don't know what you mean?
Yeah yeah yeah, light/white = good and darkness/black = bad. I can get that concept from watching a vintage western. Big whoop.