Within the secular explanation of everything, mathmatically morality would not originate on Earth, but somewhere else in the universe.
What math are you using to arrive at this conclusion? Just like in high school algebra, show your work or you don't get credit for the answer.
Based upon your reasoning I could simply assert that alien overlords exist and are monitoring every microbe in the gallaxy with a vastly greater intelligence and therefore greater morality.
In reality, that IS your agument. God, presuming he exists in the way you say, isn't from earth, that makes him an alien. You do think that he, with his raping, killing, abortion, forskin hoarding,, slaving, women-as-property and genocidal ways, IS superior. You have said you supported slavery and it was a good thing.
Do you not recognize your own argument when you make it?
I believe it's much more eloquent of an explanation to say that the Big Bang was caused by intelligence we don't understand and that morality was meant to be. I think it's more reasonable to say that we are being grown by a directed process instead of a random process (from Nothing).
What you beleive is irrelevant to the evidence around us that your belief is 100% out of line with observation.And, for 100000th time, it's not random. repeating that fallacy over and over doesn't make it right, it just shows you are willfully dishonest or just unable to comprehend the concept.
P.S. I did note that you are now using the word Nothing (and not nothing). It always warms my heart when you learn something from me.