Latest "Shun Your Family" Statement - Jan 2013 Study WT

by LostGeneration 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    Total family shunning is a Watchtower gimmick, they are never going to stop, it's the glue that keeps the cult together.


  • iclone

    I honestly want to puke! Why don't they write what they really mean...

    Really, what your beloved family member needs to see is your resolute stance to put The Watchtower Organization and the imperfect men running the show above everything else—including the family bond.

  • Emma

    It's unnatural to shun family; the borg has to keep harping on it. The natural inclination is to seek out those you've bonded with, your kin. I recently had reason to speak to one of my sisters and her kind heart wanted to come throug. When she reads this, she'll probably feel guilty that she was nice to me. Sick.

  • krejames

    Yeah - is that really what the family member needs to see? Are they sure about that? did they take a survey? What a presumptious unfeeling, pig headed, patronising statement to make. sorry. rant over.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    Well, guess I shouldn't be expecting email replies from my parents anytime soon. Especially after the article specified email communication as being on the nono list of 2012. If I had the chance to roundhouse kick a GB member to the solar plexus I would, just sayin. Road trip to Brooklyn maybe? Ah it's too far. One day.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    It's a cult!

  • Emery

    Wow, pathetic unloving arrogant assholes.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    @^$% &^$(#%@* ^&^#*@!!!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    OK, let me try again...

    Fuc#@d-up Moth#$f*ng A$$*&*#s!!!

  • minimus

    The Organization focuses on being unnatural. The Bible clearly sets the precedent to LOVE your family. It's NATURAL to do so unless you are in Watchtower World.

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