Latest "Shun Your Family" Statement - Jan 2013 Study WT
by LostGeneration 98 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cedars, thanks for pointing yet another set of contradictions in the inspired pages of the WT.
I'm so grateful my parents never shunned me.
They have told me outright that nothing would make them shun any of their children no matter what the WBTS said or did to them.
I can't imagine having a mother that wouldn't speak to me because of religion, it must be heartbreaking.
That's an extraordinarily powerful image posted just above, with the 2 quotes side by side.
That could be made into a really effective card or flyer - just those photos and quotes, nothing else.
Placed on the windshield of a few hundred cars at a circuit assembly or district convention and it could have quite an effect. Or e-mailed to JW contacts.
Theocratic Sedition
Second what Sir82 said. There are tons of contradictory statements that the WT has put out throughout the years, but with such a plethora of material out there it's difficult to inflict damage on the org without having to really spell it out. Those two captions however, very concise and to the point. No need to be long winded when you've got those two captions lined up next to one another. It's would be difficult to say the least if not impossible for an apologist to wiggle out of trying to explain the contradiction between those two captions.
edit post: that caption from 2009 is further evidence to me that there's another faction present within the upper echelons of the WT doing the work of a saboteur. I don't see how it's possible that such an article could have went out the door without the GB failing to see the irony?
edit post: that caption from 2009 is further evidence to me that there's another faction present within the upper echelons of the WT doing the work of a saboteur. I don't see how it's possible that such an article could have went out the door without the GB failing to see the irony?
It is just a recruiting technique of a cult. Give the public a sanitized version of your religion. Enforce upon the members the harsh reality.
A I recall, the picture Cedars posted above the Awake! quote is actually from a WT Study article. I'm guessing he was using literary license putting the two together for dramatic effect.
I got very VERRRRYYYY lucky that my family didn't/doesn't believe in the shunning aspect- not ten years ago when both my super-JW-high-in-the-cult uncles cheated on their wives and got kicked out, not when my cousin got pregant at sixteen, not when I came out to both my parents.(We are Latino, and both sets of parents come from broken families, always reiterated the importance of family).
I know too many are not as fortunate. I wish I could send them all hugs and support. This cult is EVIL, and it sickens me that this evil society is able to get away with so much. I hope they go the way of Scientology. People need to be AWARE.
Oh the witness mind. I had one at the door so I asked about the blood policy. She went on and on about how we shouldn't take ANY blood the bible says so. I aksed her if a little murder was OK? Then asked if blood was so wrong why can JW's take blood fractions. She then says she doesn't believe in that and had to get back to her car group. Apostate 1 Witness 0.
Just seeing the two quotes side by side posted by Cedars up there reminded me...
When I was deleted as an elder in 2004 it was because the rest of the body believed I had overstepped my bounds and had tried to treat a congregation member with methods of psychology.
I tried to use a couple of Awake! articles as my defence - 22 May, 1992 (page 12) and 22 October, 1987 (page 13). Both of them are about depression and negative thinking, and they both recommend methods found in the book Feeling Good, by David Burns.
Both the body of elders and the special committee set up to deal with my appeal were having none of it. One short sentence in the 15 November, 1986, Watchtower was all that was needed. "Of course, elders usually are not qualified to act as physicians or to employ the concepts and terminology of psychiatry. To do so would be immodest and perhaps dangerous." It went along with Proverbs 11:2 which gave the elders licence to call me "presumptuous."
Watchtower trumps Awake! every time.
Awake! is not considered robust material. It is the Reader's Digest of Society literature and as such holds absolutely no water whatsoever.