How can one have faith and have no clue and understanding what is written in the Bible?

by jam 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    My sister (not A JW) have a strong faith, so she ask me

    what,s my problem, you and your wife needs to attend

    some Church, you need Jesus in your lives.

    Well I explain to her why we do not attend any religious

    organization. My sister ,brother and I was traveling in a

    car, so for over two hours I explain. They had no clue what

    I was talking about (the bible). Both repeated, just have faith.

    It was so frustrating. So my sister ask would it be Ok if she arrange

    a meeting with a young minster from her church so he can set me.

    The problem I have with religious people, they think somthing is

    missing in your life if you don,t attend church, you can,t be happy.

  • jam

    Sorry, so that the minister can set me straight.

  • ziddina

    Goood question...

    A couple of JWs were at my door a few months ago. When the older woman started her spiel, I simply said, "I no longer worship Middle Eastern gods."

    Her response was priceless...

    "What makes you think that the bible is middle eastern?"

    I gaped for a moment at such ignorance, then explained that, if one compared the Q'uran to the bible, especially to the Old Testament, one would see many, many paralells.

    The JW teenaged boy with her, stood BEHIND HER, nodding his head in agreement with my comments!!

    I then pointed out my favorite scripture, Exodus 19: 16-19, and asked, "Don't you see that account is a fairly accurate description of an erupting volcano?"

    She agreed with THAT comment, but then I became a little too heavy-handed and said loudly, "So, not only did the Israelites not know what an erupting volcano was, but their god didn't know, either!! So, the Israelites were probably worshipping volcanoes!"

    At which point the two of them scurried off of my porch.

    But I am astounded at the number of Christians who DON'T understand that they're worshipping one - or more - middle eastern gods....

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Quit fightin' it, brother! You're over-thinking it, cuz' all you need is FAITH! You are weak in your faith, so you must strengthen your faith!!

    They're like the faith zombies, aren't they?

  • Satanus

    'How can one have faith and have no clue and understanding what is written in the Bible?'

    Generally, that's what faith is about. It starts where proof/evidence/knowledge stop. The pastor meeting w you will be an exercise in futility. Of course, he will know more than your sis and bro do, but, it still boils down to the same story.


  • ziddina

    Psst! Satanus!

    You have a pm...

  • Phizzy

    "Faith starts where proof/evidence/knowledge stops", a good explanation the Great Satanus !

    So, why on earth does anyone need faith ? to turn oneself from a rational being in to a deluded one is hardly life enhancing.

  • blondie

    Probably the same people who drive everyday and have no idea how an engine works. Or fly in a plane but not know how to fly.

  • jgnat

    Teachers make the worst students and nurses the worst patients. Once you understand how things work, watching an amateur at work is sheer torture. Darn you, you know too much.

  • ziddina

    Urk! Blondie...

    In self-defense, I learned how to do minor mechanical work on my car. I also know something of the principles of flight - and watch the plane's flight-control surfaces during flight - especially during landing and take-off.

    I don't give a damn if I'm not a pilot; if I see the ailerons in the WRONG position for take-off or landing, I'm going to make a racket!! Better that, than a crash.

    Likewise with computers - I may not be able to read binary code, but I've learned quite a bit about how they work - and would like to learn more - in sheer self-defense.

    Knowledge is not only power, but also often an aid to one's safety.

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