In Memory of Sheeba

by ziddina 62 Replies latest social family

  • ziddina

    (I'm not sure this is the correct sub-heading, but - since I was her 'doggie-mommie'...)

    This is in tribute to the best doggie we’ve ever had, Sheeba.

    I first met Sheeba in the autumn of 1997. I’d been driving past the local county’s animal shelter – the ‘dog pound’ – for several years. We’d lost our other dog, Ted, several years earlier, and I just hadn’t felt open to a new dog.

    But every day I drove past that dog pound.

    So one day I stopped in.

    I looked at the date stamps on the cages. I was drawn to 2 dogs that had been there for 4 weeks.

    One of them was Sheeba. She was a German shepherd–border collie mix, but was kinda mopey, didn’t seem to have much energy.

    The other dog was another German Shepherd-mix with boundless energy. It was jumping to the top of the cage – a good 7 feet, at least.
    I settled on Sheeba, but had my neighbor put the other dog’s I.D. number and contact information on the internet, as a “frisbee” dog. I didn’t realize it at the time, but “frisbee” dogs were – perhaps still are – in great demand. They even had cash-prize contests for the best “frisbee” dogs – and no pedigree required, either!!

    The other dog found a home, and Sheeba waited in the pound while they scheduled her spaying. I visited her in the pound every day, greeting her and talking to her during the half-hour I had before they closed for the night.

    At one point, after talking to her exclusively for several days, my attention meandered over to another dog. Sheeba immediately reacted possessively, barking and pawing at the chain-link fencing as if to say, “Hey! You’re supposed to be MY doggie-mommie now, so pay attention to ME!”

    Then came the day I brought her home. Hubby, as usual, was grumpy and refused to have anything to do with her. She tried making friends with him, but within her first week at home, she chewed the earpieces off of his glasses.

    Boy, did she and I hear about THAT! Hubby threw a hissy-fit, yowling that it was going to cost “A Hundred Dollars!” to fix his glasses. So, I dragged him down to an optics place, explained what happened, and the very nice optometrist fixed his glasses for free.

    That shut hubby up. Soon, within three weeks, hubby was cooing at Sheeba and feeding her scraps. I knew then, that she’d begun to win him over.

    I had to nurse her through a nasty cold immediately after I brought her home, but she got stronger and healthier quickly. But it was 'fun' following her around with kleenix for a few weeks - she reacted like a human toddler to having her nose wiped!!

    She was a great watchdog with “radar” ears. BEST hearing I’ve EVER seen in a dog, and yet she wasn’t sensitive to the sounds of sirens. She NEVER howled like the other neighborhood dogs when a fire engine went by; she just took it in stride.

    She protected us and watched over us, especially when we were hiking. She’d try to ‘herd’ us, if she felt we were getting in over our heads, like she did on Handies Peak at American Basin, when we were hiking in a snowstorm wearing far too few clothes for the weather conditions. She kept bugging us and bouncing around us, trying to get us to go back down. Apparently, she could sense that we were getting in over our heads.

    She patiently put up with our sight-seeing, too, as in the photos below, where she's resting while we look at some Puebloan ruins on the Escalante River...

    She herded the cats, too – and as hubby always teased Opal – and Velvet – we knew that if either cat was trapped in a burning building, Sheeba would run in and rescue them. She broke up countless fights between our cats, and seemed to protect the losing cat from being picked on, no matter which battle was breaking out.

  • shamus100

    Beautiful dog, Ziddina. :) They become like family members.

  • ziddina

    Then there was the “Yellow Pillow” game that she played with hubby. Every night when he sat down to relax on the davenport, she’d wait eagerly for him to pick up the ‘yellow pillow’, whereupon he would thrust it at her and she’d go into her ‘play’ position, growling and head-butting the pillow in mock ferocity.

    Every time he came home from work, Sheeba would be there, sniffing him all over to see where he’d been and what he’d been up to.

    Oh, and she loved ropes! And socks – anything that she could play ‘tug-of-war’ with us! For the longest time, too – when she was young – she was such a lively dog that she cleared our six-foot fence to visit the dog – Holly – next door. If Holly wasn’t around, then Sheeba would steal Holly’s toys and carry them back into our yard – right back over that six-foot fence!

    Of course, we did our best to protect her, too. We took her along on the “Big Trip”, going to Lake City where she roamed around the little wooden cabin and would sleep on her mattress, under her blankets and sometimes my wool sweater if it got too cold at night, sleeping almost like a human with a comfy blanket over her.

    She absolutely LOVED “Lower Calf Creek Falls” just outside of Escalante, Utah.

    It was an easy 6-mile hike – fairly smooth and sandy, with great views. She’d just trot along, happy as a lark, sometimes wilting a little in the heat – until we started to get close to the falls. Then she’d perk up, get excited, and that last quarter mile – when we’d turn her loose and tell her to “go get in the water, Sheeba” – why, she’d race off like a kid towards a candy store, tongue lolling in excitement.

    And the way she played in the water! We’d throw sticks for her; she’d drink up the water and swim out to get more sticks!! People would photograph her playing in the water; she was so happy and active and thrilled with the excitement.

  • ziddina

    On our trips, we insisted that she wore ‘doggles’ – and of course she wore them well, though under just a bit of protest – to protect her eyes as she stuck her head out the open car window. People pointed, smiled, laughed and even asked if they could take her picture – there are probably at least a dozen photos of her in her royal-blue doggles, floating around America.

    The “Big Trips” were filled with such fun for her! Looking out for “horsies”, and “deer”, and “sheep” – but best of all was when we’d drive thru herds of COWS up on Aquarius Plateau in Utah! And when we crossed cattle guards – we’d build up the anticipation by saying, “ooooooooooh, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeebaaaaaaaa….” And then, JUST as we drove across the steel bars, we’d yell, “WhaaaazzzzAT!!??” And she’d bounce around and get all excited. It kind of backfired on us, sometimes – when we’d hit those ‘wake-up’ grooves along the interstate, it often sounded just like the cattle guards, and then she’d get all excited, all over again.

    At one point on our "Big Trip", she met a funny little buddy that we started calling "Mini-Sheeba" - even though he was a guy - and it was funny to watch him follow her around!!

    She had to compete with several cats for attention, and sometimes she must have felt a bit neglected – until it was time for a “WALK”!! Then it was ‘ALL ABOUT THE DOG” – and rightly so!

    We fed her the best food – best dog food, freshly-cooked chicken, even buffalo and grass-fed beef! She got yogurt too, and vitamins and minerals and glucosamine and gelatin – all aimed at keeping her just as healthy as possible.

    We only had her for 15 years, but those were the best 15 years of my life, critter-wise.

    I wish we could have kept her forever…. I hope I get to see her when I ‘cross the rainbow bridge’ – or maybe we’ll meet at Calf Creek Falls, instead!

  • ziddina

    Thanks, Shamus... Yeah, I'm really going to miss her.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    (((((Ziddy))))) Sheeba was a beautiful doggie and you gave her a wonderful home and a happy life. And she brought both you and your husband as much joy and delight.

    Thank you for sharing your reflections and pictures of your precious baby.

  • 00DAD

    Nice tribute to your beloved canine friend! Thanks for sharing.

  • 00DAD

    Nice tribute to your beloved canine friend! Thanks for sharing.

  • ziddina

    Thanks, everyone...!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    What a lovely dog! I know you miss her terribly

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