Yes, I do, finally awake, but as others have pointed out to me, it's obvious that she had a pretty good life. She lived to be at least 15 3/4 years old - she may have been as old as 16, which is a ripe old age for a dog.
In Memory of Sheeba
by ziddina 62 Replies latest social family
Wonderful story! Thanks-
BEST hearing I've EVER seen in a dog
our silky terrier can hear the mailman open and close the mailbox a 100ft away on the street( he can be in another room in the back of the house, too)- he starts barking his- the mailman is here!!- bark- he knows he gets to go outside with me to get the mail-
Sorry to hear about you losing your faithful dog, Zid. Unconditional love is a lesson they teach us so well!
Oh, my! How gorgeous she is, inside and out!
I am so very sorry for your loss, my Ziddy. You were so very lucky to have each other.
Rest in peace, joy, and light, Sheeba... and have fun chasin' the bunnies.
Baba. -
Such a lovely tribute to a beloved canine companion. Sorry it all had to end so soon for you. You gave that dog a great life, that's a wonderful thing.
Thank YOU, Moshe! Funny how they seem to think that the mailman is an 'enemy'. Sheeba always barked her 'alert', too, but when I held her and allowed her to approach the mailman - a very nervous mailman, of course - she gave him a perfunctory 'sniff' and proceeded to sniff out his entire truck...
And here the mailman thought that HE was the 'main attraction'!!
Thanks, GL. Her love was just an itty-bitty bit 'conditional', though - we had to keep the high-quality dog food coming, plus she was awfully fond of human food, too!!
Thanks, Baba Yaga - though I suspect she's chasing the ethereal squirrels - she never was much for rabbits, but went nuts over squirrels... [crap, did I just crack a pun?]
That was a lovely sentiment you expressed.
Thanks, whathappened... She was around 16 years old when she died, and we'd had her for almost 15 years - had she lived just one more week, it would have been exactly 15 years that she'd been with us. We did our best at giving her a good life, I can agree there.
hemp lover
What a great dog. I heart Sheeba. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories.