James, do you have more pix of your dog? Care to post them here, or perhaps start a "memory" thread for your little fur-baby?
In Memory of Sheeba
by ziddina 62 Replies latest social family
Good. I hope the adopted Cat will outlive me - they say cats can live up to 27 years.
Losing a pet can be just as painful as losing a member of your family. I know how much it hurts.
Thanks again, Shamus.
James, the longest-lived cat we had, lived 19 years with us, but she was probably 21 when she passed away.
That really hit my hubby hard - she was his baby, and she was like a daughter to him.
She'd sit on the bathroom sink every morning, watching him shave; she'd check on him when he was in the shower and would cuddle up in his lap when he sat down to watch TV after work.
Cats can have really great personalities, too...
Pictures? No - sorry. Really just the one there on the Avatar.
That was in 1999 or so - the Corvette in the background was my stepson's 1996 LT-4.
Chance was a rather fierce watchdog. I do have many stories - but not for here on your Sheba thread.
I can tell you that I won him as a puppy in a topless bar here in Dallas over a $100 bet on a game of pool.
I came home with the hundred dollars and the puppy.
His human mommy was a dancer there and wanted him to have a good home.
My opponent was her manager - and he did not throw the game. We don't do that sort of thing in Dallas.
BTW - he got named Chance because I took a chance on him by laying down that hundred dollar bill.
Chance threw up in that LT-4 Corvette on the way home. It was my second car at the time.
He was an excellent dog of fine character.
Sounds like Chance was a true doggie of fierce and loyal heart!
Congratulations on having such a fine canine friend, and since he lived to be 14 - a good age for a dog, especially a large one - you must have cared for him and loved him very much.
Yup, we still miss him. It has been about two months since he was gone.
Girl dogs in the neighborhood miss him too.
"Girl dogs in the neighborhood miss him too..."
Aaargh!! TMI! TMI!!
But that means that you may be able to pick up one of his puppies...??
((((zid)))) So sorry to read that Sheeba is gone. Our pets are just as much a part of our families and our hearts as our human relatives and friends. She was a beautiful doggie. Thank you for sharing her with us.