If you believe the paramedics, believe in the paranormal
How can anyone really be a 100% confident atheist given the paranormal and occult?
by yadda yadda 2 78 Replies latest jw friends
I have two cases to share:
1) Myself having full blown vivid audio and visual hallucinations from detoxing from week of acute alcohol poisoning almost died too.The paranormal,occult,demons had nothing to do with it.
2) 1973 a trusted family member who was having auditory attacks from the demons and to this day I am 80% certain it was REAL.
I have no proof
When we had ghosts, the paranormal, although it was for a period of time the events came suddenly and recording them was impossible or wasn't something that you would immediately think of doing. Somethings are not recordable you just feel it's not normal. Somethings I've seen were also seen by somebody else. They told me what they had seen after I'd seen it and I'd never told them what I saw.
Leaving aside whether or not there is evidence to support the paranormal, or survival after physical death. I do not see the necessary connection between that subject and whether or not there is a God or gods, particular a personal one such as that proposed by Christians, Moslems etc. Perhaps someone could explain why there need be any connection?
but I just can't see how anyone can be absolutely 100% confident there is nothing out there we can call a 'God' or spirit creature in the face of endless first-hand accounts of paranormal and occult experiences that felt as 'real' to the person who experienced them as anything else in their lives.
The human imagination can develop thoughts that are outside of the known by infused preconceived suggestions ..... ie. Ghosts
But when investigating and using the scientific method upon strange unusual occurrences, the real answer comes forward and is eventually realized.
For example in older times many homes were built completely out of wood, some which was still green but homes were still built with this lumber.
Over the years the wood gradually dried and shrank in the process, by this time people had moved in but they could occasionally hear strange cracks
and squeaks in the evening when all of the occupants had gone to bed, the thought or possibility of ghosts was then suggested.
What was really happening was the wood in the home during the day had expanded as the temperature rose, when the evening approached the wood
in the home contracted which developed squeaks. So the suggestion of ghosts invading the home was put forward . The reality was the pure psychics of
shrinking and contracting wood and plain simple human ignorance.
I work at the Houses of Parliament Yadda, if you ever come visit, I will tell you a few evidences to back up your world view, I personally have seen one, smelt another and had £1000 worth of damage done to my car by another that I managed to upset. - Nambo
Its time they took away your security pass.
Always had awareness of demons as a JW and would pray the Lord's Prayer to get rid of the sensations. After becoming an atheist they never happen
In the many thousands of years of mankind's past existence from all over the world, has there ever been one single solid evidence of
a spiritual being actually existing, nope !
but there has been verifiable evidence of human imagination in conjunction with probable ignorance of the world in which he lived.
The power of human knowledge is a lot stronger and will always overcome the power of human ignorance.
zid, what did u see?