So the story about a Smurf running out of a KH proves what???
How can anyone really be a 100% confident atheist given the paranormal and occult?
by yadda yadda 2 78 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
The forum says that Black Sheep is the last poster on this thread but when I click on it his post isn't visible.
Broken Promises
And now his post appears!!
Double ooooohhhhh!!!
King Solomon
The woman who felt like she was dragged out of bed? There's many documented natural causes, such as "night terrors", sleep walking; even restless leg syndrome and so-called parasomnia disorders likely account for the underlying cause of what is falsely attributed to 'demon attacks'.
It's always interesting to see someone who experiences these who has convinced themselves it's a demonic attack (or UFO aliens, etc), only to read the description, and learn its a well-known documented and studied phenomena. For the JW, the response is usually a mix of relief and discomfort, as while they are relieved to learn it's not uncommon and has a natural cause (just like sneezing), they also lose their primary faith-reaffirming personal experience; so the way they respond to it is a "tell" as to their motives.
Actually, if you think of it, mankind IS moving in the right direction, since EVERYTHING that wss observed to happen (eg movement of planetary bodies, meteors, rain, drought, lightning, earthquakes, sickness/disease, fire, volcanos, floods, even sneezes) was seen as a sign, an omen, and ascribed to supernatural forces aka Gods. Now, a far smaller % of the population does so, and for a much smaller % of such events. That's progress, headed in the right direction, as even JWs don't think God makes it rain (or is the jury still out on that)?
Granted, some WILL cling to their false beliefs IN SPITE OF massive amounts of evidence to the contrary; unfortunately some people don't allow reason to enter into their decision-making processes, using only emotion or relying on their pre-conceived beliefs and faith to guide them. Oh well, as they say, you can only lead the horses to the water, but you cannot force them to drink (and/or think)....
this threads going to shit......just like the old "who has the last word thread" LOL
that was in reply to BPs comment LOL
OK now back on topic, I started a thread on this subject and what i experienced at my place of employment at the time & nothing has changed in how I feel/view the matter.
i won't say anything more
I do not have sleep paralysis.
I have seen more than one full sized human ghosts while wide awake.
They are just there.
Only some people get stuck as ghosts. Like regulars in a bar.
I did not make it up, either. If I was going to make a up a ghost, it would be more entertaining than those I have seen. Also, the ones Ive seen have startled me because they appear when I am not expecting them. then they go away.
"[Quoting] MrFreeze....zid, I have to point out something in your story. The big question I have when someone presents stories like this is "Why?" Why would a spirit being move the blind? Think about it, if you were a ghost, why would you hang out in a conference room moving blinds? It just doesn't make sense to me. I hear people tell stories about keys moving or cupboards being opened. Why would the spirits be doing that?..." [end Mr. Freeze quote]
simple...when they died they left their brains behind." Still Thinking, page 3
Or all ghosts are formerly obsessive-compulsive types???
Don't you think that if they had any compelling data we would know about it by now?
Hi Cofty
I can see your point. Perhaps the key word is 'compelling'. Having looked at the range of information available from, what I at least, would consider reputable sources in many instances, I was surprised that I had never come across any of it before. As to why this information is not more widely known - I just don't know the answer to that. It could be that this is because it is all rubbish, however having read a substantial amount, as far as I can see it cannot all easily be dismissed as either rubbish, hallucination, poor research or fraud IMHO. Some of it appears to have been meticulously researched by individuals who were apparently, at least initially, highly sceptical. This does not of course make them insusceptible to error.
It is of course only my personal opinion based on having looked at a proportion of the material (of which there is a vast amount). I guess my point is simply that there is evidence out there, if a person has sufficient interest to look at it and form their own view. To say there is no evidence, would in my opinion be inaccurate. What to make of it however is somewhat up for discussion.
still thinking
Or all ghosts are formerly obsessive-compulsive types??? ....zid
Good point...maybe you have to be OCD to be a ghost....strangely...that makes some sense....ROFL Just let it go guys! go to the light...hee hee
still thinking
Broken's the thread appears on JWN when it doesn't like the threads. It also has OCD....once it starts it can't stop and the thread is doomed I tell ya.....DOOMED!!!...LOL