My JC coming up tomorrow for causing division Rom 16:17,18 - wish me well!

by Healthworker 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Don't allow them to skip around. If you ask a question, DO NOT move on until they answer clearly and scripturally.

    Scriptural as in clearly scriptural, not using a scripture from each book of the Bible combined to come up with one answer.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Hope all goes well for you healthworker, I will be a prayin!!!!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Our Lord said we would be hated for "telling the truth" "bearing witness against false men", stick to your Bible based facts and you will be ok. Your in my prayers, please remain calm, kind and respectful with a spirit of love! Allow your accusers to bring forth their evidence and work on each point at a time. Don't allow anyone to throw out two or three mattters at once, it's only going to confuse you and dilute the issues. Stick to one issue and ask for time, if you need to gather more facts to defend yourself.

  • Lozhasleft

    Don't let them take away your dignity. Good luck.

    Loz x

  • smiddy

    Just my 2 cents worth ,their will be at least 3 elders present ,you should not agree unless you can have at least 2 other people who are sympathetic to your case ,on your side , otherwise it`s just a kangaroo court and they will screw you . Make no mistake about it .If they dont agree to you having an equal number of people representing you ,DONT GO .


  • Chariklo

    Hi Healthworker,

    I missed the thread that led up to this, the one with the video. I've now read through it all.

    What nonsense this is, isn't it! When I read what leads up to these JC's it feels like they are desperate men trying to bully someone into submission.

    Basically, it's like one great big protection racket. "We will look after you so long as you are in with us but if you don't do what we say or if you show disloyalty then will are really going to HURT you!"

    For examples of this, just watch The Godfather. Or, find a particularly nasty school playground.

    Healthworker, I very much enjoyed reading all your other thread. I hadn't realised till now that you are Norwegian.

    I shall definitely be thinking of you during the day. I am sure you will conduct yourself well. Hoiwever, forgive me, but may I make a comment? You are obviously an intelligent person who sees through the Watchtower baloney. Do you actually care what they do to you? Is it that you have family in who will break off contact with you?

    In one sense, even attending their meetings is like giving them power. But again, I can see that if you display the same kind of calm logical thinking you've shown here in the threads I've only recently met you in, then you might make them think.

    But it is probably not likely. Dyed-in-the-wool JW's can't think. They can only recite what they've been indoctrinated with.

    Good luck!

  • Healthworker

    UPDATE ON JC: Just came home and the meeting went great! Got to read all my scriptures and reason with them and also say that I feel that GB has bloodguilt because of the medical procedures! I will give you a complete resume in a few days! I did not get DF today and they want to meet me again.

    THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! (sorry for not thanking each and one of you personally today for your posts - slept all day on the sofa and was home from work).

    Love Healthworker


    Well, bro...they are just deliberating, but it won't change the outcome I fear. Not that getting df'd is bad. If I was single I would have unloaded on them. They will follow the playbook. You will meet again and they will attempt to re-adjust you. You seem upbeat, I am proud of you.

  • Healthworker

    Thanks Data-Dog I feel great! They seems to want to cut a deal. To stop my activity is more important than to DF me it seems. And maybe the will accept my new faith, that would be great!

    Love Healthworker

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    And maybe they will accept my new faith, that would be great!

    That would be great!

    ...and absolutely impossible, unfortunately.

    I'm glad you are upbeat after the meeting. But prepare yourself. Review Ray Publishers JC. They too did not df him immediately. They needed to most likely call bethel because of a few things he said. If you called the GB bloodguilty...I'm 99% sure it's all over for you. But hey, you're still in my prayers. At least you got to defend yourself!

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