But Tammy, why did Thomas still refuse to believe even though he had the eyewitness testimony of his fellow trusted apostles? Thomas demanded extra-ordinary evidence for the extra-ordinary claim of Jesus' resurrection, yet he knew and trusted his apostles and had no reason to think they were lying. And, as you note, he had earlier witnessed Jesus numerous miracles including possibly seeing Jesus resurrect others.
Jesus did not condemn Thomas for his lack of faith in those circumstances, but he willingly gave Thomas the evidence he reasonably requested, so why would it be any different for us today. Don't we have even more reason to be skeptical today with so much time having passed, and with the extant copies of the gospel manuscripts not even being a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of the originals, with even the originals being written 40-60 years after Jesus' death?
How could anyone today be condemned by Jesus for refusing to believe, just as Thomas refused to believe, in the absence of hard, physical proof?