LOL, when I watched her last time, and it came back to me this time, I picture her fantasizing about jabbing Dawkins with sharp little pointy things.
She just has that kind of persona. And my, oh, my, can that woman vomit out words.
by Chariklo 553 Replies latest jw friends
LOL, when I watched her last time, and it came back to me this time, I picture her fantasizing about jabbing Dawkins with sharp little pointy things.
She just has that kind of persona. And my, oh, my, can that woman vomit out words.
This probably has gone down in her history as the day she held her own against Richard Dawkins----she's that clueless.
can that woman vomit out words
Yup...the same ones over and over and over and over....add nauseum. I watched 2 videos of her utter crap and that was enough. I can't believe there are seven. I might have to watch the last one just to see if Dawkins is still awake.
People once believed in fairies, at one point in my life i put a tooth under my pillow and the next day there was a coin of sufficient value to buy more tooth decaying treats! So i now had evidence too! My grandad gave me a book on legends and myths (no idea at that age what that meant) inside were pictures of The loch ness monster, aliens and ...... Fairies in a garden.
It is a legitimate question because I once believed in them and now I dont. You really have nothing but semantics do you. The fact i believed in fairies about as long as I now have the flu is irrelevant, but you see NO connection between stating that non belief in god IS A BELIEF and non belief in fairies IS A BELIEF. The point is exactly the same! It is a silly thing to claim. Atheist is a term you have, I dont subscribe to it.... Just as there is no need for a word to describe people that dont collect stamps... Nonstampcollectors?
Also in your opinion my non belief is due to grievances with said being that I dont believe in, not only is this offensive and closed minded, for you have not asked any of us yet why we dont believe, but it is ridiculous too. As ridiculous as not believing in fairies due to a grievance with another fairy. Replace fairy with anything else, it remains ridiculous. "He doesnt believe in gravity, due to his anger at falling from a tree at age 9...and a half"
My rejection of a belief in the god i was raised to worship and sacrifice my youth to, began by reading all about him in his autobiography "the bible". I soon realised he was a total shit head and stood for lots of things I detest. I figured if he exists, I need to stand up to such a hateful bully. So began my research into the truth aka history of the bible.... WOW there is a heap they didnt cover in the 'All Scriptures Inspired...' book on Thursday nights all those years ago, in fact they missed out on quite a bit! Ok so if Yaweh is nonsense... Who was before him and what is the history of that god? And so on and so on... All the way back to figurines of pregnant women worship hundreds of thousands of years ago....
hmmm ok so if there is no god... How is there life.... Again many years of research.. OOOOoooh evolution IS TRUE and IS observable today! wow look, with the same evidence presented I would come to the same conclusion! Oh yes, the DNA we now have access to, matches the evolutionary tree exactly! Etc etc ....abiogenesis.... Quantum physics... Etc etc.... 2012 and an 'atheist'.
Notice how 8 years of research, questions and brave desicions do not equate to your offensive, bullshit and lazy answer " a grievance with god"... It ironically came from wanting to know the god I worshiped more... I was at bethel and spent most of my day talking to him you see... It felt only polite to read his best seller from cover to cover. Wow.... Life changing indeed!
As for you.....Well i think you have a grievance with your human ancestor Billy Homo Erectus ! And THATS WHY you wont let go of your childish god story!
I should just clarify my sarcasm, it is ridiculous to think someone would deny a concept due to a grievance with an element in that concept they denied existed. Its a cheap, lazy shot that didnt deserve such response or any amount of my valuable time or effort.
snare (no kisses)
Question for atheists/agnostics: without a standard like that presented by theism, how does one determine rationale/reason, or is it even necessary? Is it all relative to the individual?
Be specific nostonecutters and also be sensible... Are you really saying before the concept of a god no rationale or reason existed?
These are just words, the concepts behind them existed of course. It is reasonable and rationale for a squirell to run up a tree when a cat comes near. Even without a god.
ROFL....she starts off part seven with more...there is not enough evidence. And more verbal diarrhea about him having a problem because there is no evidence. He is telling her about the fossil histories that she can actually go and see for she does a quick switch to his cause and why he thinks it is a danger to believe in an intelligent designer. He is trying to tell her his agenda is to educate, he is an educator. And he suggests to her that if she opened her mind to the actual evidence she could use that to benefit her religion. Then she goes completely off and talks about laws of the universe and moral laws....ahem...keep on topic lady. She tried to switch the subject to his 'agenda' so she could talk about hers because she has no evidence of anything she is saying. But clearly believes if she says the same thing over and over enough that she has won the debate. ROFL
All she needed to do was stick her fingers in her ears and it would have finished the effect of her complete and utter ignorance.
Why so quickly offended, snare? I was asking a fairly to-the-point question without suggesting anything. Let me rephrase my question: What is the atheist's standard by which to determine reason? And please answer without ad hominems and strawmen. Thank you in advance.
I'm not offended, I am bored.
Painful isnt it STILL xxx
So I looked up rationale, just to make sure I understood it exactly (sometimes we tend to use words incorrectly)
It read: reasonable basis for action (for this context---there is also a mathmatical meaning, if I read it right-tired eyes)
So you are asking what standard to we use as a reasonable basis for action?
Just to be clear.