I think Atheism is a cult
Why are atheists so intent on scorning "believers"?
by Chariklo 553 Replies latest jw friends
Why are believers starting threads to scorn atheists
Asking a question isn't scorning. I think the question is on the minds of people who have been 'scorned' (or who feel they or others have been scorned), and that is why it is being asked. I have seen some answers over the last few days that have helped me understand some people better because of threads such as these.
It is a question in search of answers and understanding, with the hopeful outcome that we ALL (believer and non-beleiver alike) treat one another with a bit more respect and kindness.
and other believers coming on telling them that they are giving good answers?
The answer that she gave to your question was a good answer, imo. "I don't do what you're saying, and so you will have to direct your question to someone who does." That is a good answer. There are believers who scorn atheists, for being atheists. I don't think Chariklo is one of them. I am not one of them either. I respect people for themselves, regardless of their belief or non-belief. Most especially people who share the same values as me, regardless of who they credit those values to. (such as peace, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, love, etc)
So now the problem with these threads is that they are seen as an attack by some... same as some believers see questioning their belief, knowledge, reason, etc... as an attack on them. Both cases are personal, so it would be seen as an attack.
I think Atheism is a cult - Woody22
Please expand on your thoughts I am intrigued.
still thinking
LOL Woody22
still thinking
Asking a question isn't scorning. I think the question is on the minds of people who have been 'scorned' (or who feel they or others have been scorned)..tec,
Oh please tec....is this just persecution complex going into overdrive? People who feel they have been scorned? For goodness sake.
The question 'Why are atheists so intent on scorning "believers"? Is painting atheists with such a broad brush it is scornfull in itself...and then chariklo making the claim you don't know any believers that scorn....thats laughable.
It is a real attitude. That is why the question is being asked. However, to be fair, the question should read 'why are SOME atheists so intent on scorning "believers"? Then perhaps only those atheists should respond, since the question does not apply to those who do not do it.
Since Chariklo made mention of generalizatin when addressing, NC... I am guessing that she did not mean to imply that all atheists do so, herself. But Chariklo can answer that for herself.
I respect lots of believers and have many christian friends.
To me, this is similar the utter fallacy of saying that because I have black friends that I cannot be racist against African Americans. I know people who have openly told me that black people cannot be leaders. They use the NFL Quarterback position as an evidence. They say that the NFL shows that white people are better quarterbacks because the position is one of leadership. They tell me that the NFL regularly gives these black people chances to lead and they say they ultimately fail. It's funny because another explanation could be that the people doing the choosing are actually secretly racist. If you are ACTUALLY a racist that argument sounds ludacris to YOU because those men are simply using evidence to support their decisions. They are completely unaware of their own bias. This doesn't mean that they are incapable of acting cordially towards black people and even feel tender compassion for them and assigning them friend status, even BEST friend status. But secretly they believe that they are inferior leaders and shouldn't really be trusted.
So, I am not saying you are blind to YOUR bias, but you definitely have a slant, and that's not something even I can escape. Like the Catholic priest I too cannot fathom a world where there is no central control by a monotheistic entity. I just can't, call me dumb/deluded/stubborn, I guess, that's OK, you are entitled to your opinion, but shouldn't I be entitled to mine? Isn't that the essence of a healthy democratic government?
It won't fully answer the opening post, but I am no-more-no-less skeptical of new scientific ideas than I am of belief. There are too many conflicting beliefs in religion/spirituality and a possibility they are all wrong. Conflicting sciences or strange beliefs lacking evidence get the same skepticism.
I am skeptical of crop circles and alien abductions as well as spiritual beliefs.
A couple of beliefs hold a special place in my mind though. When people continue to support anything Bible-based, I have already satisfactorily proved the Bible to be in error and conflicting and containing a very flawed God. But the worst would be those that use the Bible when it suits their beliefs and throw it under the bus when it doesn't.
While I am skeptical of non-Bible beliefs, I have no scorn for those who don't push their beliefs on me or insist they know "the truth" because God told them.
still thinking
Are you guessing her intent tec? I'm going off what she wrote.
Just like that other person who started a thread atheist bashing...is it atheist bashing season here on JWN? All in the name of believers being scorned. Interesting...
Feel free...I'm not offended...but I do find the irony interesting.
No! C.A. Let's not stop yet. This is just getting fun.
Why do atheists steal little old lady's canes?
Why do atheists cut the fins off their pet fish?
Why do atheists drowned kittens?
But seriously, this really doesn't bother me. It's amusing.
Plus, I just got my nails done for my kick-ass Halloween costume (I'm going as an atheist wild flower hater) and need to practice typing with them.