Why are atheists so intent on scorning "believers"?

by Chariklo 553 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Atheists don't have intent to scorn, they have intent to teach....sab

    Ummmm...No....I am here on this forum to learn.

    I'm not here to teach anyone anything. But I would say that some believers are here to teach and some atheists are too.

    I am not here for followers...sab

    I have never thought that of you...I see you exploring ideas

  • sabastious
    Ummmm...No....I am here on this forum to learn.

    I have noticed that everytime we are speaking about the universe and I mention God as the Beginning you correct me. How can we talk about the Beginning and not have it turn into a history lesson from you? I don't give lessons, I give observations. This isn't a scientific panel, it's a discussion forum.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That is your perception of what I am saying sab.

    I could pervcieve a lot of what you say as trying to teach us what is right and wrong.

    I do not believe in god...so I will make comments about it. I am not correcting you any more than you are correcting me.

    It's not a history lesson...neither of us knows for a fact how it all began...we are both giving our opinions on what we think.

  • sabastious

    If I wanted to make a lesson I would create a blog. That is what they are for. A discussion form is like people speaking in a room somewhere, it's not official. If people think of discussion forums differently, than that's just a difference in view.


  • cofty

    most people here are scared of the Bible


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    yes sab, it is a discussion forum....but when people say they are right because Jesus told them....that is the end of the disussion and the beginning of a lecture.

    This is what this verse means...Jesus confirmed it for me....you are wrong. End of subject.

    You don't claim to have this 'special' knowlegde. So I take your comments as discussion not teaching.

  • sabastious
    I could pervcieve a lot of what you say as trying to teach us what is right and wrong.

    No, there is a difference. I have noticed that I CANNOT mention God as the Beginning without being corrected. Don't you know that sparks endless debate? If you CANNOT NOT speak up, isn't that evidence of dissonance? The same could be said for the Witnesses that won't let you say 587 is when Jerusalem was sacked. I have remained quiet and listened intently to many atheist diatribes as I have no problem with starting from the point of unbelief like they can. For some reason atheists cannot do the same for believers. Many are unwilling to even entertain the idea of God as the Beginning. I am not talking about Christ, I am talking about the basic Monotheistic principle that provides the intellectual momentum of all belief in God. That the Source was more than meets the eye. If you want to call that science fiction then so be it, but we get to call your idea fiction too, because NO ONE REALLY KNOWS. When you know, I will shut up, because you will be able to simply tell me, not direct me to a room for education.


  • sabastious
    yes sab, it is a discussion forum....but when people say they are right because Jesus told them....that is the end of the disussion and the beginning of a lecture.

    It's up to the individual person to make the decision whether the alleged Christ is real or not, not Science. Atheists should be able to assert their opinion using any scientific method or study. They get an opinion just like everybody else. Facts are facts, but not everyone has the resources to verify all known facts, they just don't. To assume that they do is just not being reasonable.


  • NewChapter

    I felt that scorn, NC. And it felt sooooo good!

    That's right, Baby

  • cofty

    Sab - you are falling into the trap of "god-of-the-gaps".

    Science has not yet resolved the question of how life emerged. Scientists roll up their sleeves and go to work to find the answer. You declare "god-did-it" and end further discussion.

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