Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***

by sinis 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    sinis . . . when appropriate, discuss the experience with your wife and be sure you're both on the same page. Don't just let it slide into history without understanding these "emotional ties" and why they persist. Unless you do . . . they remain ticking. Not supporting your wife if she chooses to return is understandable . . . not supporting her by failing to help her to see the cult for what it is, less so.

  • sinis

    I have tried in the past, but for some reason she does not want to hear anything negative regarding ANY religion, including JW's. I have tried watching documentaries on JW's, and religion in general and it does not seem to impress upon her, at least outwardly. I can honestly say that I believe that she believes that religion and the JW's are full of shit, but outwardly, given this recent event she seems to have emotional ties. She is a very emotional woman, which I love - at times :) and logical, but somehow the trance and spell that the JW's put on her, and me for that point (until I broke free) is interesting and disturbing all at the same time. Like I said, she enjoys the holidays, birthdays, and the other so called "worldly" activities, and have not heard anything about the JW's until this very emotional event took place and this "friend" started testing the waters...

  • Finkelstein

    and have not heard anything about the JW's until this very emotional event took place and this "friend" started testing the waters...

    It shouldn't be unexpected since JWS are programed to recruit and they are being duly watched and justified upon how much they do recruit.

    With that realization at hand, its not unusual to see past friendships with JWS occasionally develop into .......

    " You know so and so the world is about to come to dramatic close soon, don't you want to make it through Armageddon and into

    earthly paradise ? "

    One shouldn't under estimate the strong mental indoctrination that JWS are infused with when being a JWS . !!!!

    As I mentioned before from a previous post , JWS will exploit certain situations such as a person's death to take

    advantage of it to apply their recruiting tactics and if they do succeed in their endeavor, they are sure to be

    boastful about it later.

  • sizemik

    Delving into a womans mind can be scarier than looking in her purse . . . I don't pretend to have that sorted yet. She's obviously comfortable with where she sits on the matter. I agree with Finkelstein . . . in hindsight, as a JW I knew which inactive ones were still sympathetic to thier belief . . . and when and how to approach. Sounds ugly to recount . . . but exploitation of opportunity was the game . . . we just called it something else. You were right to be alarmed and vigilant.

  • ziddina
    "...We have a great life now that we are out, and this bitch (sorry) is trying to suck my wife back into this cult at her weakest moments!!!!!!" Sinis, OP

    Yeah, like vultures, that's the way they work.

    Would it help to point out to your wife the lack of respect they showed for her mother [by having the Kingdom Hall 'infomercial' at her mother's funeral...] - and for her - by hammering her with this, right now while she's deep in mourning???

  • sinis

    OH, shit!!! This morning my wife asks me, I wonder why my friend has not contacted me recently, like she said she was? Then she says did you say anything to her, which I denied. If the shit storm goes down, I will just calmly tell my wife that because I love her, and that this is an emotional strain I took it upon myself to kindly ask her "friend" to please not preach, just be a friend. ...and that is the truth. I did not threaten anyone, etc. Funny though, that the uber self rightous dubs interprete someone asking NOT to preach as I WON'T TALK TO THEM AT ALL!!! I never said such a thing but I am sure that that is how this person interpreted it. Sad, if you ask me. I have so much shit to deal with with regards to her moms estate, that I really don't have time for this childish bullshit. Whats wrong with people? How does equating, please don't preach to I won't talk to them now? Weird...

  • ziddina
    "...I will just calmly tell my wife that because I love her, and that this is an emotional strain I took it upon myself to kindly ask her "friend" to please not preach, just be a friend. ...and that is the truth. I did not threaten anyone, etc. Funny though, that the uber self rightous dubs interprete someone asking NOT to preach as I WON'T TALK TO THEM AT ALL!!! ..." Sinis, page 3

    Yeah, funny how that cult personality can't seem to actually HELP the grieving mourner; they just keep spouting that Watchtower babble. Telling them they can't preach DOES, in effect, 'shut them up'...

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