The most important rules........
1. Thou shalt obey the governing body.
2. Thou shalt not question the governing body.
3. Thou shalt obey the governing body above the bible.
4. Thou shalt sing praises to the governing body in the new song books.
5. Thou shalt not check into the origins or dig into anything about the governing body.
6. Thou shalt stop all association with any family, friends, relatives, associates who do not worship the governing body.
7. Thou shalt only associate with others who are followers of the governing body.
8. Thou shalt spend as much of thy time as possible distributing and recruiting others to serve the governing body.
9. Thou shalt do all the governing body requires of thee with joy and a smile
10. If thou shalt not do all these commandments, thou shalt be disfellowshipped for apostacy and be shunned, and all thou friends, family, relatives shall shun thee too, so that thou shalt see thy error of thy ways.
11. If thou shalt want to regain the governing bodys favor and forgiveness, thou shalt attend meetings in silences for THREE YEARS, no more, no less, three shalt be thy years and thy years at three, four years shalt not be, neither two, less then proceedeth to three, and five is right out! So after the third year being reached, if thou has humbly attended all meetings in silence and begs forgiveness, then thou who having had been naughty in thy sight shalt be reinstated.