PM'd back, Kate
what are the JW rules once baptised??
by Kate82 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh girl the fact that you feel all this panic and trepidation about meeting with them is a huuuuuuge flag girl! You are under ZERO obligation to these blood suckers! Dont be afraid you are going to hurt somebodys feelings by saying no go the HELL AWAY to them. Trust me when I say they dont give a shit about you. If you arent bragging rights to them because you are a bible study (aka watchtower tripe study) you arent worth a hill off beans to them and they certainly arent going to lose sleep over you. Their "love" is totally conditional on you playing nice and not questioning anything they say or do or what is expected of you once you are under their subjection. The guilt will only grow in you because as a nice person you feel some sense of obligation. Think of them as the Klan. Turn them away. Shut the door for gooooooood.
Please girl...get away from this cult. We know of what we speak in here...times hundreds and hundreds of thousands of us!
Black Sheep
Or would it be an intese bible study???
It will be disguised as a Bible study. You would be expected to study a book. A Bible study 'aid'. Unless you have very good critical thinking skills, a good grasp of your native grammar and check all of their references in their context they will quickly teach you their promise of paradise, their promise of death for non-membership, and instill fear of Satan the Devil who will supposedly use your family, friends, the internet, etc.. to lead you away from their offered hope.
I haven't looked at what the study is currently, but last time I looked, all of this was accomplished in about three lessons.
It will not appear to be intense. It will appear that they are there to help you. They love you and want to save you (from their god's vengence on non-Jehovah's Witnesses. They won't put it that way)
You sound like easy pickings.
Explain to them that since you last spoke you have looked them up on the internet.
You don't believe everything you read on the internet so would like to put these questions to them for them to answer before you take it any further.
We can help with those questions.
When they answer, take notes and say you'll check, then bring those answers here.
You may end up teaching them!
Kate, I understand that you are a nice person and probably very polite, however, many people have found that being polite and nice only encourages jw's. I am not suggesting you be mean or rude but you must let them in no uncertain terms that you will not be converting any time soon. Do not accept ANY literature! If you feel you must spend time with them insist on using a Bible only and NOT the NWT. Best of luck.
Kate update us!
What will happen to Kate!
This is very suspenseful for me.
If I were there I would take Kate out for a pint and we would laugh about all of this nonsense and her close call with the cult.
Mr. Falcon
The rules are quite simple. there is only one rule:
Kate, ever heard the story of how to boil a frog? Put him in a pot of water and slowly heat the water. He will be boiled unawares! The Witness indoctrination is very slow. If you have met with this couple this evening I am sure it was very nice. It would take many months of study before they would consider you ready to take the plunge. By then you would have learned not to ask too many questions.
Never stop asking questions.
(By the way, to my great disappointment, I've found out that the boiled frog story is an urban myth! What a let-down.)
And if you did not meet with this nice couple, you can take back your acceptance. Let them know you have been doing some thinking and you have changed your mind.
Christ Alone
As I'm sure you experienced, it was somewhat normal,right? You may have thought, "why are the people on jwn making such a big deal about them?" That's one of the tricky things about the watchtower. On the surface it seems very normal and unscary.
Christ Alone - Agreed. The 'public image' of the JWs to the average person is that they are harmless and they have a favourite aunt who is a JW, lovely but slightly batty. This is true to a degree.
People have no idea of what goes on behind the scenes.