Hi Talesin,
Used to be a bit of a doormat, house always open to other's, always fed people, helped out with money, and tried to keep the peace, thats is until I got crook last year, it took months of doc with no answers,than I went to a natropath, she was an old lady -very intuitive and she told me first about my thyroid having a virus, it took over 6 months of test for a doc to find it, anyway she also velieved in metaphysics and said I had gotten so ill with it because I never had a voice, and it was true, I had kept alot in, alot really that should of been able to be expressed but was not for fear of upsetting my mother, and her very conditional ways, ultimitely being shunned.
So now actually the last 6 odd months I say way more than I used to, and I will speak up now in any situation in RL, because I know how much damage bottling it all up can do. I could hardly speak at one point or walk, when she explained to me it was all through fear of the future, as in looking after myself, and of not having a say in things and I made a concious effort to rectify things, well my body started to heal, I know its not for some and they rubbish it, but I truly believe its all intrinsicly(sp) linked and when I applied those directions she gave me, and also got on a juiceing regime things have really come together, I am thankful now when I get on the beach and run, or kayak, bike, or even play my guitar and am able to sing again- very thankful.
My lesson out of all this, as long as it's not hurting other, we must be true to ourselve's living a lie make's you sick.