Do you consider yourself a DOOR MAT?

by talesin 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    Well, if anything I was correcting my own spelling--and it's not even a spelling issue, just a matter of whether or not it's "doormat" (one word) or "door mat" (two words). It is evident that this doormat was incorrect in its usage of the term, using only one word to describe what is actually two words.

    Either way, sd-7 is a door mat. Thus, there's no confusion involved in terms of his/its identity.


  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Was sd-7 a doormat since 7/31/2009 or did he/it/you undergo a change recently? Why was this hidden for so long if the former and why the change if the latter? Is this self discovery, transformation, or transubstantiation?

  • elderelite

    Door mats should not worry about usage either.

    Are u gonna write for nano novel month

  • jam

    The word" NO "wasn,t in my vocabulary, until I met

    an elder who use maybe. He would never commit himself

    to anything. Brother can you give me a hand, elderly sister

    so and so needs help. I'll get back with you on that.

  • sd-7
    Was sd-7 a doormat since 7/31/2009 or did he/it/you undergo a change recently? Why was this hidden for so long if the former and why the change if the latter? Is this self discovery, transformation, or transubstantiation?

    Well, it was a process that could really be described as sort of like mutation. It was always there, and showed itself in subtle ways. Eventually a major change came as a result of an intense emotional state, and thus the metamorphosis was complete. Human became door mat. sd-7 became Doormat.


  • talesin


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    sd-7, as far as door mats are concerned, you're not a bad looking door mat. You're actually kinda cute.

  • moshe

    I prefer seeing this sort of doormat-

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    @Moshe, Bwahahahaha gotta get one of those! Leslie

  • LisaRose

    It's funny, I was just thinking about my own doormat past and how my JW belief, my family history and my own personality converged with the result that I stayed 28 years in a bad marriage. I know that there are JWs who would have gotten out of the marriage somehow, but I felt I didn't deserve anything better because I wasn't a good JW. My own parents bickered, and that made me very uncomfortable. So I maintained peace in my own marriage at all costs. I didn't stick up for myself with the result that my selfish husband did whatever he felt like. The Watchtowers outdated advice that a woman should should be obedient didn't help either. We didn't fight but we didn't have a real marriage either. It wasn't until I was 45 and had a successful career that I started learning to speak my mind and not be a doormat. I left the husband and the religion.

    I sometimes still have trouble sticking up for myself, but I am nobodys doormat mat now I married a wonderful man who respects me. He doesn't even want a doormat. He expects me to tell him if there is a problem. We occasionally have minor spats, but they are quickly resolved and we move on. I would never belong to a
    religion that would expect me to stay in a bad marriage.

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