Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoStonecutters

    Transhuman, valid point; however, what if evil (the Devil) merely means the absence of God? With that definition established, I see very little difference, if any, between atheism and Satanism. Both negate God in the pursuit of materialism and naturalism. This is further strengthened by the traditional Christian view of evil—privatio boni—established by the Church Fathers.

    I venture to say that the Watchtower's infantile understanding of evil fuels ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in their decision to discard God.

  • Jeffro
    what if evil (the Devil) merely means the absence of God? With that definition established, I see very little difference, if any, between atheism and Satanism.

    Logical fallacy - false premise.

  • NoStonecutters

    Not so Jeffro. You obviously didn't read and understand the rest of my post. It is the Church's position that evil is not substance (privatio boni). Evil is the absence of God, Satan is absent of God's truth. See St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine of Hippo. They wrote extensively on the problem of evil. Only the Protestant—and Watchtower—view of evil disconnects atheism from Satanism. This obviously predisposes Jehovah's Witnesses and Protestants to adopting atheism.

  • Jeffro
    Not so Jeffro. You obviously didn't read and understand the rest of my post. It is the Church's position that evil is not substance (privatio boni). Evil is the absence of God, Satan is absent of God's truth. See St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine of Hippo. They wrote extensively on the problem of evil. Only the Protestant—and Watchtower—view of evil disconnects atheism from Satanism. This obviously predisposes Jehovah's Witnesses and Protestants to adopting atheism.

    So what? 'The church' doesn't have any real basis for its dogma either. Individuals' own absence of belief in a deity isn't defined by some superstitious mumbo-jumbo of believers.

  • NoStonecutters

    Jeffro, what are you talking about? Privatio boni goes back to at least Aristotle.

  • Jeffro
    Jeffro, what are you talking about? Privatio boni goes back to at least Aristotle.

    So? It doesn't make it true.

    You (and anyone else with this tedious position) is simply trying to associate atheism with the 'stigma' associated with the word 'Satanism'. It's nothing but trivial semantics.

  • NewChapter

    Why does No think atheists care how the church has defined the spiritual, evil or Satan? The church is not an authority to an atheist, and they can define and make any proclamation they like, we don't really care-----unless they start the witch burnings again---THAT could be problematic----especially if they consider atheism to be satanism. But if it just stays in a safe little box, then it's kind of amusing.

    Of course they think it's satanism---they think that everything that disagrees with them is from Satan. Like the Church Lady.

    It's not even offensive to me to be compared to a Satanist. I don't recall Satanists waging wars, hosting Inquisitions, Witch Burnings, Book Burnings, legislating their morality on me----perhaps they are enjoying their lives so much, they just can't be bothered.

    The Church is losing its grip. People are becoming more secular. Its tentacles are being weakened as they lose political power. They need a new boogie man. Enter the Atheists!

    Some belief systems are so loaded with pure fear, I sometimes wonder how these people get through the day. LOOK UNDER YOUR BED! Just look! They lied! There is no monster!

    Sheesh. Grow up.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    NoStonecutters you are spinning.....which reminds me of the WTS......

    You're only seeing what you want to see within a small spectrum of limited reality (limited info your gathering and or limited to what you want to believe.) either to prove your points or futher a belief system. Do you really, truly, honestly, believe these claims? Is your ego not letting you see?

    Jeffro is correct... "You (and anyone else with this tedious position) is simply trying to associate atheism with the 'stigma' associated with the word 'Satanism'. It's nothing but trivial semantics.

    "Evil is the absence of God, Satan is absent of God's truth. See St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine of Hippo.".. .what does that mean really? It means people who are not in accord with the lord, live a life of the flesh which leads to sin. Also, "Satan is absent of God's truth"? What is God's truth? Who is God? There is without question no inclination of Atheism's but a strong belief in God.

    Also, Anton LaVey was a hack, like Russell. I'm not looking from the outside in.....I've been an occult practitioner since 88' various systems (not a Satanist)...but do have friends from various oocult belief systems, as well as Satanists......and I know few who knew LeVay.....please do yourself a favor.....dig deep for your material with an open mind....the world has a larger history.... a bigger picture......

  • NoStonecutters

    Contrary to the disnfiormation in the last few posts, there is nothing semantical or trivial about the fundmental harmony between Satanism (secular humanism) and atheism. These comments indicate a highly rationalized denial. If I am wrong, show me how they are fundamentally different. Open challenge.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    You're title post is "Atheism's occult roots"

    I just fail to see.....

    "Evil is the absence of God, Satan is absent of God's truth. See St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine of Hippo."...what does that mean really? It means people who are not in accord with the lord, live a life of the flesh which leads to sin. Also, "Satan is absent of God's truth"? What is God's truth? Who is God? There is without question no inclination of Atheism's here but a strong belief in God.

    Satanists evoke "spiritual beings"...heavenly bodies, underworld bodies, various spiritual animal engeries and natural elements.... in ritual or means to a gain.......

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