Why does No think atheists care how the church has defined the spiritual, evil or Satan? The church is not an authority to an atheist, and they can define and make any proclamation they like, we don't really care-----unless they start the witch burnings again---THAT could be problematic----especially if they consider atheism to be satanism. But if it just stays in a safe little box, then it's kind of amusing.
Of course they think it's satanism---they think that everything that disagrees with them is from Satan. Like the Church Lady.
It's not even offensive to me to be compared to a Satanist. I don't recall Satanists waging wars, hosting Inquisitions, Witch Burnings, Book Burnings, legislating their morality on me----perhaps they are enjoying their lives so much, they just can't be bothered.
The Church is losing its grip. People are becoming more secular. Its tentacles are being weakened as they lose political power. They need a new boogie man. Enter the Atheists!

Some belief systems are so loaded with pure fear, I sometimes wonder how these people get through the day. LOOK UNDER YOUR BED! Just look! They lied! There is no monster!
Sheesh. Grow up.